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1999, Oceanum Villa, Government House, Hospital Facility
"Here she is, your newborn baby girl," said Kaity, handing over the child. Tentatively, Jasmine reached her hands out and took the crying bundle from her assistant and cradled the child in her arm. Even crying she's beautiful.
"Lilliana," she whispered. The name chosen by her and her husband rolled smoothly off her tongue and definitely went with her new daughter's beautiful physical features. Jason came to stand beside Jasmine, him too looking at the baby, her face screwed up against the new world. Like all merfolk, her tail was still colourless and would be until her first birthday. Her hair would gradually become the colour it would be forever in a short couple of weeks and both her parents were excited to see it come.
"I hope her personality is just as beautiful as her appearance," Jason said, affectionately placing his arm around his wife's shoulders.
"I hope so too," she said, smiling up at him.


2000, Oceanum Villa
"Here it is!" Jasmine exclaimed, smiling happily at her daughter. Having learnt to stay upright, Lilliana smiled back at her mother. A rush of purple light circled around the girl and kept rushing faster and faster around her. Then it went away and slowly the colour began to form at the end of her colourless tail. Green perhaps? Maybe aqua? It was hard to tell in the glow of the purple light that was colouring the tail like a pen on paper. Once the glowing stops, the tail is fully coloured in a nice light blue. Jasmine thought it suited her daughter very well, mixing with her pink and purple ombré hair. Pink, purple, blue; it matched well.


2003, Oceanum Villa
"A mother, a mother-in-law, a grandmother, a leader and a protector. Millicent Dun-Hill, you will be sadly missed."
That was how the speech ended. Another Scout-Keeper gone. Four-year-old Lilliana's grandmother, Jasmine's mum. Jasmine was already on the Government, having taken the Health-Keeper role from her father when he had died many years earlier, even before Lilliana was born. Jason didn't feel he was capable enough for the job and also didn't feel he'd step into Millicent's role as well as she did. Lilliana offered, but of course being only four years old, she was rejected and told maybe her chance would come.
"What about we open applications up to the whole city?" asked Walter, many nodded in agreement with him.
"Perhaps that would be the best thing to do," said one.
And it was decided:
Governmental Role of Scout-Keeper Open
• Must be over 23 years old
• Must not have any health problems
• Must have at least one talent coming from either the defence or attack categories

Walter Star-Bub, convinced his wife to send in an application. Even though she was heavily pregnant with their first child, she still applied and was successful in going to the next round.


2004, Oceanum Villa
Piper Pillars had twins. One merfolk, one human. One boy, one girl. So many laws had been broken and so many rumours had spread around the city like wildfire in the short few days it had been since their birth. She loved Fred and hadn't seen the problem in them having sex even if it had ended in two beautiful children and her in a court room in Government House.
Coral, Sandy and Walter were on her side.
"Piper did it for love," they kept saying, over and over again and finally it seemed to reach the ears of the judges. Readers were instructed to look into Piper's future, see which Fates she could follow:
1) Join Government after her mother.
2) Not join Government and have nothing to do with her life.
3) Kill herself because she's feeling too many regrets about her short lived life.

They let her on the Government even though many believed a criminal with laws such as hers that were broken shouldn't be given a chance to rule the city. Walter, Coral and Sandy pointed out that Government-Keeper was the leader and Piper would only be responsible for the records in the Records Room; but they were still opposed.

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