6: Starley

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When I get to the shopping district, it is absolute chaos. The merfolk of the city are swimming around wild; Weedy is standing at the end of the aisle, shooting random jets of magic at random people, making them fall and crack; and worst of all, no one is listening to a word I'm saying.
"Move inside!" I scream. "Get away from this district. Take cover!" I give up, hopeless and turn to Alex.
"Tell them to take cover, I'll deal with her."
"Don't get hurt, babygirl," he replies.
"Yes, of course Alex, I promise. I love you," I say before swimming towards Weedy. When she spots me she pauses and almost looks confused. I'm a mere two meters from her now, but I'm not scared of her. I am armed. She is not. All she has is her mind and powers and that can only get her so far.
Be careful, says Piper, scared for me.
Do not get hurt, my dad says.
Your father's right, don't get hurt, you're too young, Starley, says Cameron.
All ten voices of the Government were talking in my head over the top of each other, but it was my dad's, Piper's and Cameron's comments that stood out the most.
"Hey, Weedy," I say, deciding to go with the 'I mean no harm tactic (even though I'm holding a bow and I'm armed with a knife)'. "How've you been?"
"Fine thanks," she replies, shortly. "Might want to get your workmate, Whitney to work on the condition of those cells though." Alright then, we're going to do this like this, are we? Fine, that works for me. Also, how'd she know I was on the Government?
"Well, if you're a criminal you can't be expecting a five-star hotel."
"No, I suppose not." She fake laughs.
"What are you doing with the shell? I thought you gave it to me?"
"Oh, perhaps you misplaced it?" she says, smirking, pushing my limits closer and closer to the edge. "Didn't you say you lost it?"
"Whitney took it off me," I say.
"Aha, right. Still, I have it now," she says.
"Alright, I'm done playing nice. Just shut up, will you? You're not saying anything to help me."
Whitney, get me some scouts, I don't have connection to them yet, I say frantically in my head. I hear her recognition and her agreement. Even though Weedy is a Telepath, and a very good one at that, I know fully well that she can't hear what I say to the Government. That's a Government only thing, not even the world's strongest Telepath can hear that. Fate is stronger than any Telepath.
"Ooh," says Weedy, "someone's angry and also fitting into their new job perfectly." I roll my eyes.
"You're not worth it," I say.
"I know I'm not, but you and your team still want to throw me back in that jail cell. What's to say I won't escape again?" she asks, faking innocence.
"You think that my team members are going to fall for the same mistake twice? We aren't as stupid as you. You're going to try the same tactic twice, but we won't. We're going to keep you right where Whitney will put you."
Now, Whitney!

A jet of Weedy's black magic shoots out of her hand, aiming for me. I dodge it quickly and use my new teleportation talent to grasp the shell she's holding and pull it towards me. I hold it in my left hand.
"How did you..." she asks, frustrated.
"I have my ways," I say. "Besides, that's what happens if you take one hand off the shell."
Whitney and two Scouts come out from their hiding places behind some buildings in the district. The Scouts grab her wrists and put her hands behind her back, arrested. Whitney comes to wait next to me and Alex swims up on my opposite side. I hand him the shell and he takes it off me, cradling it.

"This isn't the last time you'll see me," Weedy spits, her face angry in all ways possible.
"Oh, we know," I reply. "We'll be ready." I nod to the Scouts and they escort a thrashing, uncooperative Weedy towards the jail cells. Whitney places a hand on my shoulder, smiles at me and then follows the Scouts.
"Good job, Princess. I'm so proud of you," says Alex, smiling to me. I smile back at him but then my smile instantly fades. My arm... The one that isn't holding my Defence Bow. It hurts... but it hadn't hurt before...
"Alex," I say, paining. I show him my arm and we both watch the purple blood surface as a cut digs into the inside of my left wrist going from my elbow to my hand. Then my skin suddenly splits open and I scream in pain, handing my bow to Alex to cradle my arm. Weedy's voice fills my head but Alex's fills my ears.
I'll be back. When this heals, I'll be back.
"Babygirl, you okay?"

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