13: Starley

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I took things into my own hands. Alex came with me, but mostly because I made him. I felt kind of guilty, but he seemed to be fine with it. Daddy wasn't helping me at all and I'd forgotten to look for if he was lying or not with my new-ish Flicker abilities. Coral wasn't around to ask anymore; Mummy's gone; Bubbles was no help; my only option left was Piper, and so far having her as an option for help seemed unlikely.
"Piper!" I call out, quickly growing impatient. Then she sticks her head out of one of the rows of boxes.
"Oh, Starley," she says, surprised to see me. Her eyes flicker to Alex and she smiles. "Alex." He shifts uncomfortably; he can't get over the fact that she's his mum and not Kerri. "What's up?"
"Can you help us find some files please?"
"Files on what?" she asks.
"Me, Alex, my mum and Reading," I respond, ticking them off on my fingers as I go.
"Why those in particular?"
Because I was Reverse Reading in my sleep last night and I saw a vision. I need to see those files. I thought the sentence before I said it, but I'd forgotten Piper was a natural Telepath and I didn't have to voice my reasoning. I feel her magical senses leave my mind and she then shakes her head.
"No Starley," she says, and I feel my anger start to come back from when I left Daddy's office. Why were so many people against me? "That was a private conversation."
"That's why I need the files!" I say, angrily. "So I know how to control it and not see people's private things." She lays a hand on my shoulder, but shrug it off. Don't touch me!
"Starley," she says, "curiosity is something both you and Sandy were blessed with. But you are not to wander around in here by yourself, and I won't accompany you, so don't think about asking me." Alex and I follow Piper out of the Records Room, and I'm already planning.


"Wake up Alex," I whisper. Slowly he opens his eyes and he smiles when he sees me. He's excited to carry out this plan too; I'm glad he didn't feel like he had to come. It's three o'clock in the morning and Alex and I are sneaking out. I'm carrying a Scout Knife, just in case. The city is really dark. And cold. The sea currents wash past us and I don't ever remember it being this cold before. I press my hand to the door of the Records Room. It clicks open and we sneak through. As we swim through the doorway, the lights turn on. Together Alex and I make our way to the 'R' row. I search down the row. All the box labels are printed so neatly and they're easy to read.
"Aha! I found it," I say, pulling out the box. Alex comes to help me and together we set it down on the floor. I sit down and curl my tail underneath me. I flick through the box until I find a file called 'Reading in General'. That sounds like what I want. I pull it out and together Alex and I read it.

Reading is a talent that allows the merfolk to read the future and also visit past events, (known as Reverse Reading).
Reverse Reading is only a skill gifted to natural Readers. If one is not a natural Reader and can Reverse Read then it most likely means they're being possessed. If not then, the most probable solution is that Fate is trying to connect with the merfolk to have them make a connection between something in the past to help them understand better of the future or present. Non-natural Readers participating in Reverse Reading is a very rare occurrence and if it does, it usually occurs in Government members or merfolk who have recently been affected by dark magic. This is because the dark magic doesn't just affect one specific area and in fact infects the whole blood stream, putting lots of talents out of whack. This way, talents that are not usually your own can be accessed.

"At least I'm not possessed," I say, sarcastically and Alex gives me a sympathetic smile.
"Okay, now we find your Mum's file," he says, packing away this one back into the box and lifting it up onto the shelf. I wait for him before moving into the next aisle across - 'S'. Finally, I find the 'Star-Bub' box and Alex helps me lift it down again. I find Mummy's file and like many others the label on the folder is written in red ink.
"I'm scared to read this one Alex," I say, hesitating to open the file.
"Babygirl, it's going to be okay, I promise." He reaches over and puts his hand on my arm. I open my hand for him and he slips his hand inside mine. His hands are so big compared to mine and they make my hands feel safe and protected. My tiny hands almost disappear in his hands. He closes his fingers around my hand and I close mine around his. Then he starts to move his thumb across my finger and I feel myself smile. I open the folder.

Sandy Leanne Star-Bub born on 4/10/1972 to Caitlin and Andrew Star-Bub.
Sandy married Walter Star-Bub at age 23 in 1995.
Sandy gave birth to two daughters: Bubbles Star-Bub on 13/04/2003 and Starley Star-Bub on 13/03/2005.
Sandy met her death in March 2005, just two weeks after the birth of Starley, her second daughter, after being involved in an argument with the New Zealand city of merfolk about the Stonal Family Shell.
Relationships Included: Walter Star-Bub (husband), Bubbles Star-Bub (eldest daughter), Starley Star-Bub (youngest daughter), Coral Parker (best friend), Caitlin Star-Bub (mother) (deceased), Andrew Star-Bub (father) (deceased)

In early April of 1986, at age 14 Sandy risked her life trying to perform an illegal spell. (Illegal under law number 12: Merfolk will not tamper with old spells recorded for our City's history). The spell succeeded and she was able to live on land as a human for about 2 months. The Government's first response was to put her in jail for her actions but Rule-Keeper's son at the time, Walter, had been breaking the rules to visit her every day, eventually leading to falling in love with her. The Government eventually thought it unfair to put her in a jail cell under pure sympathy for Walter. They married in June of 1995.

In 2003, Sandy applied for the position of Scout-Keeper when it opened up. The last incumbent didn't have any children, cousins and no living relatives who were capable of the job. So the Government opened up to applications. Sandy was successful in getting the job and had her initiation a month after the trial.

Compared to her's, Alex and my files were tiny. Mummy's contained so much information and I loved it. I was glad to get help from somewhere.
Daddy lied. That's all I can think. Why had he lied? To seem better than he actually was? To try and make it seem like he was more superior and therefore deserved more information than me?
The only think I knew is that now I had answers. Helpful ones or not was another issue, but answers nonetheless.

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