30: Alexander

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2022, Gold Coast, Australia
"What if you hurt me?" Starley asks, nervously.
"I won't, baby. I've never hurt you purposely and I'm not going to start now," Alex replies.
"I'm so scared, Alex, what happens if I get pregnant?" Starley's running through all of the worst case scenarios but Alex knows it's only because she's ridiculously nervous.
"You won't get pregnant, Princess. Not today, that's why I've got this," Alex responds, holding up the small packet between his thumb and pointer finger.
"Do they actually work though?" she asks and Alex confidently nods.
"Otherwise Madison would have about ten million children, maybe more," Alex says and Starley smiles and laughs. Then she takes a deep breath and nods.
"I'm ready," she says.
"Remember, just let me know if it's hurting or you want me to stop okay? And I will, I promise," he says, opening the packet and sliding the condom on. Starley watches him do it, and it only makes him more nervous. "Remember baby, just let me know," and she nods, letting him crawl onto her and lean in to kiss her.
Suddenly the vision stops and Starley's voice breaks through my head.
Alex, baby, sorry to wake you but Peter's here. I don't know how but he's here in the Scout School with me.
Instantly, I reply, now awake and fully-functioning.
That absolute son of a b***h! I'm coming, baby.
I get out of bed as soon as I've told her I'm coming. She needs me to feel safe around him and I have to get her away from the situation. I'm so confused on how he's even here in the first place, but I didn't have time to think about possible reasons. Meanwhile, while I'd slept, Fate had fed me visions of Starley and I in the future again. Every time I saw a futuristic vision of us, it was in faint colour, not in complete black and white, telling me that it was most likely going to happen. Even though the vision was slightly coloured, Fate had made Starley's naked body blurry. I was sort of mad with Fate for doing it, but I could also understand the position it was in. If I'd seen her naked body clear in a vision, my reaction wouldn't have been the same when I saw it in person when the vision succeeded.

By this point I'm already out of the spare bedroom, out of the house and in the city. I'm speeding through the city, some of the scenery flashing past me in a blur. Suddenly, I'm stopped in my tracks by a group of reporters wearing Fishy-Fishy News name tags. I mean there could've been a better news channel to be stuck talking to. Fishy-Fishy News was in short, fishy. The news wasn't usually accurate and sometimes interviews were even adapted in the studio to make it sound like the person had said something different or had answered a different question. The head reporter holds out their microphone towards me.
"Sorry, I don't really have time to talk now," I say, attempting to push past the group.
"Now, how does it feel to be engaged to Walter Star-Bub's daughter?" they ask. I look at them confused.
"We're not engaged, and sorry I need to go, now's not a good time," I say, again, trying to push past the group of reporters.
"It's not a good time?" they ask innocently, obviously taking that for my answer.
"That is not what I said, please," I say, again attempting to push past the reporters. Finally I break through and I leave their microphones, cameras and staring eyes behind me. Suddenly, I'm pulled to a stop. Starley's magical energy at the edge of my mind is ripped out of my clutches and I can no longer feel her presence there. She's just gone. I pray and hope that doesn't mean she's dead. No, please don't be dead. Please.

I make my way quickly to the Scout School, having to push past multiple groups of people on the way. There certainly are a lot of people out and about in the city for this time of the morning. The door to the Scout School is open and I swim through quickly. Starley's pushed up against the wall, hands pinned above her head by a ball of dark magic, head turned to face the right. She's crying and absolutely traumatised. Peter's waiting in-front of her, both of his hands busy on her chest, abusing her breasts in any way he wants.
"You like that slut?" he asks, dominantly.
"You can't talk to her like that!" I yell at the same time she screams, "you can't talk to me like that!"
I swim straight to them, and spotting a knife on the floor under them, I scoop it up and push myself in between them, knife outstretched, forcing Peter away from her. Behind me, now, Starley is still pinned to the wall by the black ball of magic, her breathing uneven from the trauma and her crying.
"Let her go," I demand and he clicks his fingers releasing the ball of magic from Starley's hands. Starley brings her arms in-front of her body. She puts one of her hands on the side of her face and then she pulls it away. I turn around and look at her. She's in quite a state. She's crying but trying so hard not to show it and to be brave in front of me. He must've hit her, there's a purple handprint on the left side of her face.

I turn back around to face Peter.
"I'm going to kill you," I scream, pushing the knife closer to him.
"Go for it," he says, opening his arms wide.
"You hit her," I say through gritted teeth, seething with anger.
"Mate, if you're going to worry about me hitting her, you need to get a life."
"Well, I am going to worry about you hitting her. She is my life. You don't hit girls... anyone... like you hit her. You just f*****g assaulted her! Why the hell are you even here? Actually, no, don't answer that, just give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now," I scream, anger and frustration running through my newly purple veins.
"You wouldn't," Peter says.
"Try me. You hit her and assaulted her. Give me one good reason," I ask again.
"We were best friends. You just wouldn't do it, you're too much of a p***y to kill me."
"You're not hearing me man! We were best friends! You f*****g hit her and tried to rape her."
"What's your point? It's not like I killed her did I?"
"Alex," someone says, and I look up at them like I'm going to kill them, but it's only Binah and Whitney.
"Whitney, f*****g arrest him, just do it." Binah cringes at the swearing but I'm so angry at Peter that I honestly couldn't give two s***s about the language I use. Whitney binds Peter's wrists together behind his back, then she turns to me and asks what he's done.
"What has he done? Here, I'll tell you-" I begin, but then Starley small-voiced and still crying takes over.
"He..." she looks at Peter who's smiling at her, in a way he shouldn't be. Then she looks at me and I nod, telling her to go on if she wants to. "He... he..." she bursts into tears, the memory too traumatic for her to revisit. I open my arms to hug her, but she's hesitant in coming into them. She pulls back away from me slightly, her small body shaking with sobs and tears. I lower my arms and try not to take it personally that she didn't want a hug.
"He abused her," I state, "and he hit her. That's why there's a handprint on her face."
Whitney nods.
"Who is he?"
"His name's Peter Parker. He was my best friend," I say.
"He's human?" Binah clarifies.
"Correct, I have no idea how he got here."
"That's interesting, because I do," says someone that isn't one of the five people in the conversation. All eyes turn to them, even Starley's which are still crying.

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