Chapter 1 (deadly encounter) rewritten.

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Y/n: am I going to die like this? In this abandoned house? Everything what I have done for them, all my efforts... were for nothing? Well... guess I'll just wait for my death. There is nothing that. I can do about that.


I was waiting for my death but it didn't come. After 5 minutes I opened my eyes and saw something really dark was standing infront of me. He had scythe in his hands. Fear and confusion took over my body.

Y/n: w-who are y-you?

???: ...I have many names. Someone is calling me Grim reaper, someone fallen with the scythe, some of people are calling me The End but I prefer to be called Death.

*Before incident*

Destination: *kuoh academy*

Rias: everyone, I think you all know that why am I invited all of you here except Y/n.

Akeno: my, my. are we going to get rid of him?

Rias: yes. That's the reason.

Kiba: so what's the idea?

Rias: anyway at midnight we will go in dark forest pretending to finding strays and killing them. I will tell Y/n to check the hidden place and after that akeno will strike him down with lightning.

Koneko: can you remind me of why are we killing him?

Rias: because he is weak. He doesn't even have sacred gear, not even power. He is completely useless.

Koneko: ...allright...

(8 hours later)

Destination: (forest)


I was trying to find stray but Suddenly rias called me.

Rias: hey y/n we need you to check that house over there. There must be strays.

Y/n: I think you are right. That place is abandoned too. I'm gonna check in right now.

(At house)

Rias: Y/n you can go first we will follow from behind.

I was confused because I always were behind but it doesn't matter right now. I was happy that they trusted me. When I entered in house, there was nothing except for old items, chairs, furnitures. There was not even a single stray. Suddenly lighting struck me from behind. Pain was terrible. When I was about to turn around, kiba was running towards me and pierced his sword in my heart. I fell on my knees. And then on the floor. I saw Rias and her peerage were watching me with smile on their face.

Y/n: W-why... Why are you doing this.

Rias: why you ask? You don't have sacred gear, you don't even know how to use your powers it's not like you have one of them anyway. At least you will die here and you will be free.

Akeno: my, my. Looks like this boy will die here. It's shame that we are killing our member. *Smiles sadistically*

Rias: we have a red dragon emperor on our side so we don't need you anymore.

Y/n: I throught that you all loved me. I throught that we were friends. After all I was wrong.

Rias: you were waste of the space. I don't even know why did I choose you. After I reincarnated you as a devil, I throught that you had some powers, even little but you don't have any of them. You are completely useless. That times when we were happy with you was lie. We were just using you for some time.

Koneko: agreed

I were furious at that and decided to say last words before my death.

Y/n: if I survive this. I promise. I will make sure you to suffer more than enough. I will turn your life into a living hell. Everyone who you care about. Everyone will die infront of your eyes Rias! Mark my words Gremory!

Rias: I like to see you try. *Laughs* well it's our time to leave.

Koneko: useless...

Nobody POV

Koneko kicks Y/n in his chest. Kiba pierces his sword in his stomach and they left. Y/n knew that soon he would die from blood loss inside this weird abandoned house wich was in hidden side of the forest.

*Current time*

Y/n: W-who are y-you!

???: I have many names. Someone is calling me Grim reaper, someone fallen with the scythe. Some of them are calling me The End but I prefer to be called Death.

Me: W-what do you want from me?

Death: do not be afraid child. I came here to make deal with you.

Y/n: what deal?

Death: I will give you chance to live and take your revenge but not for free.

Y/n was happy about fact that he will survive and will have chance to live. It's also great chance to take his revenge.

Y/n: what do you need in exchange?

Death: I need you to collect a 100 thousand souls of sinners.

Y/n: but that's impossible. I can't kill that much with my little power...

Death: of course you can't. Because of that I'll give you same abilities what's mine but it will be different since this is a different world. This world needs death too.

Y/n: I would love to but. what did you meant by different wold?

Death: *explains everything about alternative universes*

Y/n: so I am alternative version of myself?

Death: who knows maybe you do not exist in original dimension.

Y/n: so after I rip 100 thousand souls of sinners. Will I be free?

Death: you can do whatever you want in this dimension because it's not original but you will be able to do that after you end my quest.

Death: so deal?

Nobody POV

Death takes out his black fired hand for hand shake. He had no skin on it. he was skeleton in black robe. Y/n Takes his hand too and shaked deaths hand.

Y/n: Deal...

Death: heh Great. Kid... you were an interesting human.

Y/n: were human? What do you mean by that?

Death: I have to go for now. I have my job to continue. Don't worry through you will master your new abilities. Hope you will have fun time with it. My job is waiting for me right now. Someone is dying from heart attack. I'll take my leave. Don't forget about deal mortal or should I call you for now, second Grim reaper (death).

Death disappeared into the darkness.


Author: well right now I need to think about what to write in the next chapter. Mind if I listen to your requiest? I'll decide should I add it in the story or not.

Sorry guys I needed to add something or else it bothers me. Anyway It's my first book so...

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now