chapter 5 (Friend?) sorry guys something went wrong

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*Y/n POV*

*I was going to home in forest.  I didn't teleported because there might be a souls that I need to collect. At that time I had that feeling again.*

Y/n: (someone is watching me again)

*I turned around and saw that white cat again from before.*

Y/n: (that cat is pissing me off right now) can you just leave?

*Cat didn't listened and continued to follow me.*

Y/n: (I have an idea 💡)

*I was about to took cat and put it on big tree.*

Y/n: as I know cats can't jump from the trees.

*I continued my way to home but then someone threw light spear at me wich went throught me*

Y/n: great. Another soul to take.


Y/n: ...maybe

Fallen angel: nevermind I will kill you no matter what!

Y/n: oh really? Let me lecture you about something interesting. There is thing called soul and object called body. Soul helps body to keep alive. So Body is like suit for souls. What do you think what would happen if body and soul were separated from eachother?

*I summoned my scythe wich blurred vision of the fallen angel because of it's extremely dark color.*

Fallen angel: What the hell are you talking about! of course body will die.

Y/n: Ȩ̶̣͙͎̊̀̃x̵̥͆͝ã̶̟̰̥̚c̸̠͆̇̀t̶̮̙̻̖́͌̅l̵̡̼̠̓͛͋̕y̵̡̺̿̽̇

*I teleported behind him to take his soul with scythe. He reacted on it and tried to block it because it was slow swipe but moment when he touched the scythe, his body fell on the floor. Only thing that I saw on my scythe was grey soul.*

Y/n: and that's 2990. 10 more to go...

Y/n: interesting what should I eat at home? Burgers would be a great decision.


*Rias POV*

*I was doing my work untill koneko ran throught the door.*

Rias: what happened koneko?

Koneko: it's about new student.

Rias: and what is wrong with him?

Koneko: everything is wrong with him. I think that he is not a human.

Issei: what are you talking about koneko?

Koneko: when I saw him for the first time I had weird feelings towards him. He seemed like calm from outside but from inside I can tell that he felt hatred. So I decided to follow him after school.

Rias: so what happened after you followed him? Did he hurt you?

Koneko: no but I saw that he was annoyed when he saw me. He put me on tree thinking that I couldn't climb down.

Akeno: well that person was stupid to do that.

Koneko: it's not all. When I climbed down from the tree I continued to follow him but he was gone. I was searching for him and heard talking between two beings. First one was fallen angel and second was Dave. I saw that he was explaining at fallen angel something about body and soul.
During explaining He summoned something like scythe. I couldn't see that because his weapon blurred my vision.

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now