chapter 20 (Hidden sacred gear?)

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*shadow POV*

*I was waiting to y/n in the class like an idiot even if I was all alone. Some of my classmate girls asked me if I could go out with them on a date but I refused.*

*I was waiting for hours but he didn't returned so I tried to communicate with him.*

Shadow: (y/n! Where the hell are you!)

Y/n: (oh hey shadow. I was with vasto Lordes.)

Shadow: (speaking of Vasto Lordes. What are they doing now?)

Y/n: (guess what)

Shadow: (they are eating something alive?)

Y/n: (not yet but they will.)

Shadow: (allright where are you)

Y/n: (I'm chasing vasto Lordes)

Shadow: (and why?)

Y/n: (because they are chasing someone)

Shadow: (wait I'll teleport to)

Akeno: huh? Shadow? What are you doing here?

Shadow: (oh shit.)

Y/n: (what's wrong)

Shadow: (akeno is here.)

Y/n: (so he got back her consciousness.)

Shadow: (what?)

Y/n: (oh nothing.)

Shadow: (what do I do)

Y/n: (do something!)

Shadow: (do what!)


Shadow: (it's too late.)

Y/n: (...)

Shadow: Hi.

Akeno: hi there.

Shadow: akeno what happened to you? You weren't in the class.

Akeno: I don't know.

Shadow: you don't know why you weren't in class?

Akeno: anyway shadow. Do you remember what happened here?

Shadow: no. what happened?

Akeno: ...nothing. sorry it was weird to ask.

Shadow: it was not weird. It was beyond weird.

Akeno: I was about to check in the class so I'll leave for now.

Shadow: what happened?

Akeno: nothing.

Shadow: I know that you are hiding something. Tell me what happened!

Y/n: (shadow what are you doing?)

Shadow: (I'm trying to annoy akeno.)

Y/n: (good luck then.)

Shadow: ...

Akeno: I'm not hiding anything shadow. Just let me leave.

Shadow: I won't let you leave until you tell me what happened here.

*Akeno started to get nervous and tried to hypnotize me*

Shadow: so? Im waiting for answers, Woman.

*After Akeno stopped hypnotizing me*

Akeno: hi.

Shadow: uhh hi... What are you doing here?

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now