chapter 16 (split personality)

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*y/n POV*

*White Lorde was just eating bodies in other room. Ophis was sleeping. Shadow and Raynare were arguing about something stupid. I was in my room thinking about the future but something felt off.*

Y/n: what is wrong with me. I don't feel same anymore. I need to figure it out.

*I was going out on fresh air.*

Shadow: where are you going?

Y/n: need some fresh air.

Shadow: souls?


Shadow: well fine. I need to talk to you about something.

Y/n: maybe later.

*I went in deep forest and There were devils as always.*

Y/n: I don't feel like before. I barely can feel any emotion.

Devil: it's him!

Y/n: what do you want.

Devil2: we were sent by lor-

*I killed him instantly with death beam. Others eyes were widened from fear. That beam had darker energy than any other ones.*

Y/n: for what.

Devil: t-to end this killing sprees. You are too dang-

*I killed him at the same way as I killed first one.*

Y/n: I get it. You all were ordered to kill me. Well... Here I am.

Devil3: you will pay for it human!

Y/n: who said that I was a human?

Devil4: you are not devil, not even a fallen angel and it's impossible that you were an angel.

Y/n: what? *Turns into random devil* now do I look like one of them?

Devil3: H-he is not a human...

Devil5: of course he is not! He shot a beam wich had dark energy. Humans can't do that.

Devil4: lord sirzechs told us to take down the killer so don't hold back!

Y/n: let's see what you got.

*Devils charged at me but stopped when something unexpected killed one of them.*

*It was holy sword.*

Devil3: holy sword!?

Devil5: where did it came from?

*But this holy sword came out from nowhere*

Y/n: seems like this sword likes you alot. Why don't you take it?

*I took holy sword and thew it at devils stomach wich was distracted by noices in forest*

Y/n: careful your organs are falling down.

*Devil felt the pain from the stomach. He looked down and saw that he was pierced by holy sword. His organs were falling off from his stomach.*

Y/n: What's the matter. Can't take the sword out from your stomach?


Y/n: your last 3 words?

Devil: y-you will be-

*After he ended his 3 words lightning stuck at the devil and I cut his head off.*

Y/n: still there's more...

*Others charged at me but I was waiting for the right moment to kill them all at once*

*I pointed at them. Dark circle appeared at the end of my finger and it kept getting bigger and bigger.*

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now