Chapter 19 (visitor from ??? p2)

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*Y/n POV*

*In academy*

*We were in the class, everyone was talking about recipe robber.*

*I didn't cared about that. I just wanted to know about what knowledge was my future self talking talking about.*

*Shadow was trying to not laugh.*

Y/n: shadow what's so funny?

Shadow: *stopped laughing* it's just. Everyone is talking about recipe robber that is me and I laughed.

Y/n: why?

Shadow: was there moment when you were laughing without reason?

Y/n: *remembers* fine you got a point in that.

Teacher: William l/n!

Y/n: hi teacher!

Teacher: don't hi me here. Can you repeat that what I was talking about?

Y/n: *repeats everything even if he didn't listened her.*

Teacher: at least you are listening to me. *Continues her job.*

*I was looking around for something and saw him*

*he was standing at the corner of the classroom, and was staring at me, menacingly.*

*everyone near him suddenly felt uneasy. Students were disturbed by a weird feelings. It's like they had flashback of their worst memories.*

*I was wondering what was he doing here, but he didn't answered. Heck even his bloody eyes were keeping me from asking him about something.*

*Even devils were scared somehow but they were hiding it.*

Y/n: shadow do you feel it?

Shadow: If you want to know truth, I am Weapon so I can't feel fear or something like that.

Y/n: same but that thing over there. *points at corner* it scares me.

Shadow: but nobody is there. I just felt fear from others.

Y/n: (weird. Shadow couldn't saw him. Well that's rare)

Shadow: (I know)

Y/n: ...

*Issei POV*

*I don't know what's happening but... Something is inducing fear in me and I dont know who or what it is. I don't sense anyone in this classroom except for devils and humans.*

Ddraig: (partner! Becareful you can die at any second)

*Creature looked at Issei*

*Then I started to breath heavily. Tears was forming on my eyes from the fear. It was hard to breath.*

Ddraig: (PARTNER! CALM DOWN! Just ask your teacher to go out for some time.)

Issei: y-yeah you are r-right Ddraig. T-teacher can I go out f-for some time?

Teacher: sure you can go. You look like sick.

Issei: t-thank you.

Y/n: (hope he will do nothing to him.)

*I went at door but feeling of fear was rising. I felt like someone would instantly kill me if I will go at door.*

*I still risked and went at door*

Y/n: (shit he is close to him)

*I then fell on the floor and went unconscious*

Ddraig: (PARTNER!)

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now