Chapter 22 (2 days before rating game)

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*shadow POV*

*After y/n took their unconscious bodies in Issei's house except for one, I wanted to ask him about that white haired girl named koneko. I didn't liked her from start.*

Shadow: y/n. I want to ask you about something.

Y/n: I'm listening.

Shadow: I kinda dislike that white haired girl. Can I observe her?

Y/n: sure, but why is that?

Shadow: nothing... I'll just go.

Y/n: when will you come back?

Shadow: at midnight.

Y/n: understood.

Shadow: now what will you do at home?

Y/n: let me think. Sleeping, watching TV, playing with Vasto Lordes, souls and more other things.

Shadow: so like usual.

Y/n: ...

*When I left I teleported next to koneko. I was waiting for 2 hours and she finally woke up.*

*I was invisible at that moment so she couldn't sense me. She could only sense danger.*

*After koneko woke up, she tried to think about something.*

*Well I looked in his thoughts*

Koneko: (how can I tell to president and others that y/n is still alive?)

Shadow: oh, something interesting is happening. *Starts to note her thoughts*

Koneko: (but what is this dangerous aura around me? I don't understand. I can sense aura but not person.)

Shadow: another information... noted.

Koneko: (this is strange. We were in the forest and some weirdo named recipe robber attacked us. That dream was ...disturbing...)

Shadow: that's rude but still... Noted.

Koneko: (why do I hear whispers?)

Shadow: so she can hear whispers? Oh wait, it's me. Noted.

Koneko: (maybe I'm going crazy.)

Shadow: hey that's nice to hear.

Koneko: (anyway, I need to tell them somehow that Y/n is still alive)

Shadow: good luck with that kitty cat... Noted.

Koneko: *stands up from the bed* ouch. my head hurts.

Shadow: after y/n hears it, your head will be damaged for real.

Koneko: I need to find them. Something weird is happening to me.

Shadow: I'm not weird... You are weird!

Koneko: and wait. What am I doing in random house?

Shadow: so this house is not hers?

Koneko: ...

*She tried to teleport at rias but I touched him which caused her to cancel the magic circle*

Shadow: oh no you will not.

*Koneko started to shake a little from the touch*

Koneko: something... Just... Touched me.

Shadow: guess who.

Koneko: ...nevermind I'll just run.

Shadow: good idea.

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now