chapter 18 (visitor from ???)

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*Y/n pov*

*It was a night. Nothing serious. Everything was normal untill I fell asleep.*

*The dream was disturbing.*

*I woke up in empty space. Here was nobody. Only me.*

*I walked in empty space hoping that it would have end but it was neverending.*

Y/n: am I in the void?

???: No... You... Are... Not.

*I felt terrifying energy from behind me. As I turned around, I saw black and red looking skeleton with robe made of black fire.*

Y/n: w-who are you?...

*He Was just staring at me with bloody red eyes.*

Y/n: so are you gonna answer or not.

???: ...

Y/n: ...

*We were staring at each other but I somehow felt terror. I know that I can't die, no matter what but he could induce fear in everyone. Even he managed to induced it in me.*

*I could hear souls which was coming from him*

???: I see... You heard it too...

*He had demonic low pitched voice.*

Y/n: W-who are you anyway...

???: Once there was someone like you, but he wasn't so lucky.

Y/n: what?

???: I am not so talkative towards others but it's not a problem if I will talk little more with you.

Y/n: what are you talking about.

???: Listen kid, once I was betrayed like you.

Y/n: did they... Killed you too?

???: They tried to kill me but that was their biggest mistake.

Y/n: that's sad. What happened after?

???: I met a skeleton which had a scythe in his hand and we made a deal.

Y/n: let me guess. You will become Grim reaper but in exchange you will rip the souls?

???: Yes...

Y/n: same was with me.

???: How many souls did you collected?

Y/n: more than half.

*At that answer he smiled creepily and after that he returned to emotionless state.*

???: I can feel fear inside you kiddo.

Y/n: (fuck he knows)

???: ...Indeed...

Y/n: allright what do you want.

???: Do you want to know how did I became like this?

Y/n: actually yes. I am interested.

???: Moment when I killed the traitors, it felt satisfying. I was resurrecting then and killing them again and again. Because of that my revenge was never fulfilled. It wasn't revenge anymore. It was pure torture and massacre.

Y/n: what happened after that? Did someone stopped you?

???: They tried. Most of them tried to stop me but they died by me. I wasn't like this then.

Y/n: then what did turned you like this?

???: ...pure hatred towards them...

Y/n: I know that feelings.

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now