Chapter 8 (innocent?)

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*Next day*

*Destination Kuoh*

*Nobody POV*

*Koneko wakes up in bed and she saw everyone around her. They were happy because koneko finally woke up*

Koneko: what am I doing on the bed? Did I fell unconscious?

Akeno: yes you did Koneko.

Rias: do you mind to tell me why were you scared?

Issei: yeah I wanted to ask same question.

Koneko: ...let's not talk about this...

*Issei hugged at koneko*

Issei: at least you woke up.

Koneko: you can let me go now.

Rias: nevermind I'll speak with Dave and if I didn't convinced her to join in our peerage then I'm going to ask help from my brother.

*With Y/n*

Y/n: *throws pillow at TV*

Shadow: why did you do it?

Y/n: I'm bored. That's why.

Shadow: yesterday you had fun time.

Y/n: not gonna lie I had fun when I was decapitating their body parts.

Shadow: with gloves.

Y/n: yeap. With gloves.

Shadow: was that a good match for you?.

Y/n: *Flashback*




adult 2: allright guys kill h-

*Y/n suddenly chopped his jaw with ease. So he couldn't talk.*


Y/n: oh please if you could actually kill me.

*One of them took out pistol and shot him but it was not effective as the bullet went through the body.*

*They were in pure shock and looked at their leader wich didn't had hands, nor legs.*

Y/n: I have question for y'all. Wich game do you prefer. football... or dodgeball.

*They answered thruthfully with fear in their voice.

Adults:... D-dodgeball.


*After 5 minutes*

Y/n: catch the ball boys!

*Y/n throws their allies head to them with great strength that left hole in their body.*

Adults: *screams of pain and agony.*

Y/n: what's wrong boys. We are just playing dodgeball. You said that it's your favourite game so why are you all scared? Oh... I get it. Y'all don't know how to play it properly. Well it's not my problem.



Y/n: Indeed my friend.

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now