Chapter 10 (hello there Raynare)

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*Y/n POV*

Y/n: (so you want to know how I died huh?)

Azazel: if old information about you was not true then yes I want to know.

Random fallen angel: (is he talking to himself?) *Sigh* (I knew it he was insane.)

Y/n: (don't worry we can communicate with thoughts too)

Azazel: (that would be better)

Y/n: (allright let tell you my story)

Azazel: (I'm listening)

Y/n: (It was normal day like usual. I got bullied in school or something like that. Then rias called me because we needed to find stray devil's or I thought that we needed to find it. Everything was going normal untill we stopped at random abandoned house wich is my home now.)

Azazel: (did something bad happened)

Y/n: (I'm telling you story where I died. Of course something bad will happen!)

Azazel: (continue)

Y/n: (So Rias told me to go in that house to search for strays. I agreed at that and went there I mean here. After I researched this house I found nothing but some old stuff wich was broken. Something that happened after was unexpected. Guess what happened.)

Azazel: (suddenly stray devil appeared and killed you without you peerage knowing?)

Y/n: (no)

Azazel: (fallen angel came out from nowhere and killed you with light spear?)

Y/n: (no)

Azazel: (was it devil who killed you?)

Y/n: (yes but who do you think killed me.)

Azazel: (hmm maybe Riser's peerage? he hates gremory peerage anyway.)

Y/n: (Heheheh, no...)

Random Fallen angel 2: (why is he looking at wall? He didn't even looked left or right. What's wrong with him?)

Azazel: (allright I surrender. Who killed you)

Y/n: (my fucking teammates)

Azazel: ...

Y/n: ...

*After 8 seconds of silence*


Y/n: (congratulations bro you got it.)

Random Fallen angel: well that was unexpected.

Azazel: (now they lost my trust. After this I will have little chit chat with Sirzechs)

Y/n: (don't. Untill I show myself.)

Azazel: (well why is that?)

Y/n: (if you tell him about this then he will get mad at Rias and he will punish her. After punishment or during that rias will develop feelings that is called guilt and regret. Do you know what that means?)

Azazel: (...what are you trying to do to them.)

Y/n: (you know that Azazel. At first destroy them mentally. Then kill them brutally.)

Azazel: (well that's fair. I don't care about them anymore after what you told to me about them. Only question is that. What will you do after you get your revenge?)


Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now