Chapter 11 (Twilight healing)

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*Next day*

Y/n: Raynare! Shadow! Wake up I need help and it's very important.

*Raynare and shadow wakes up*

Raynare: what.

Shadow: depends.

Y/n: so basically I have paints and I want you, to Turn my true form into black color.

Shadow: and why black? I like color but you could have chosen white. Why black.

Y/n: I have 2 reasons to at that. 1) it's cool color and 2) wither is my favourite mob from Minecraft.

Raynare: wither?

Shadow: just ignore him. He likes to act childish sometimes.

Y/n: have a problem with that?... *Staring menacingly at shadow*

Shadow: nope.

Y/n: then everything is fine. So are you ready?

Raynare: before we start, what did you meant by true form?

Y/n: this... Is my true form! *Transforms into Grim reaper form.*

Raynare: where is he?

Y/n: I'm here. *Turns visible for Raynare*

*When Raynare saw him he felt fear and despair for no reason. Her eyes widened from shock*

Raynare: W-w-what the hell are you! *Prepared another light spear.*

Y/n: chill raynare it's me y/n. I won't hurt you if you do not betray me and you know that light spear is useless against me. You tried it already.

Raynare: ... *Disappears light spear.* What happened to you... *Little worried face*

Y/n: I'll tell you later. Just change my color already allright?

Shadow: let the painting begin.

*After changing color of true form*

*I went upstairs to see my face in the mirror and I saw it...*


shadow: y/n, why is your left eye glowing red?

Y/n: maybe I'm too excited.

*Red light in my eye disappeared.*

Shadow: I just realized something. *Looks at clock*

Y/n: what did you realised my friend.

Shadow: IT'S 2 FUCKING AM.

Y/n: oops. Anyway thank you shadow and Raynare for helping me.

Shadow & Raynare: no problem.

*After the talk someone was knocking at our door.*

Y/n: who is knocking on my door at 2 am? *Annoyed*

Shadow: did you meant our door?

Y/n: no- I mean yes, yes I meant that.

Shadow: great. Then let's check on who is at the door.

Y/n: *checks at the door* who is there. Nobody is at home.

???: It's us.

Y/n: my parents aren't home so we can't let you in.

???: We?

Y/n: (shit) me not we. I can't let you in foreigners. I don't have permission to talk to foreigners.

???: Y/n it's me and Sona.

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now