Chapter 30 (shadows birthday mission part 1)

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(meanwhile with shadow)

(Shadow POV)

Shadow: alright remember soldiers, we need that recipe.

White Lorde: hey shadow.

Shadow: yes deadly snow?

White Lorde: call me white Lorde.

Shadow: alright deadly snow.

White Lorde: *sigh* which one should we choose.

Vasto Lorde: uhh guys?

Shadow: yes?

Vasto Lorde: what am I supposed to do? I'm too big.

Shadow: don't worry just wear mask and everything will be fine.

Vasto Lorde: got it.

White Lorde: let's go back to our main question. Which food should we choose.

Shadow: hmm, what about this two.

Vasto Lorde: hey that one on right side is me

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Vasto Lorde: hey that one on right side is me.

White Lorde: and left one is me.

*We looked at two cake for 5 minutes because of his appearance. Now we were thinking of what should we do next.*

White Lorde: where is the destination of the company?

Shadow: there is not written any destination.

Vasto Lorde: ...

White Lorde: ...

Shadow: do you know what that means?

White Lorde: ?

Vasto Lorde: ?

Shadow: it's hackerman time.

Vasto Lorde: but Raynare destroyed your computer. Don't you remember?

Shadow: really? I have another one.

White Lorde: you were ready for this?

Shadow: I'm always ready.

(Timeskip, after hacking)

Shadow: there you go. This is the location of the company.

White Lorde: then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Vasto Lorde: don't forget about masks.

White Lorde: don't worry I won't.

Shadow: we need to take our masks, uniforms, AK-47 and grenades just in case.

White Lorde: I'm ready.

Vasto Lorde: same here.

Shadow: time to go soldiers.

*Before we went outside, Vasto Lorde asked me something*

Vasto Lorde: hey shadow, what does sex means?

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now