Chapter 2 (birth of darkness)

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(Y/n POV)

After Grim reaper left I was little confused and happy at the same time.
I was about to stand up but I heard weird sounds. That sound was coming from my body. I had feeling like I was burning from inside. When I looked at my hand, I was shocked and confused at the same time. My body was collapsing and recreating itself. I was confused because I didn't felt pain. After my body was recreated I got up and started to searching mirror if it is in this house. Luckily mirror was in this house. I was about to go near mirror and see my reflection in it but it didn't showed up.

Y/n: What the hell! Why is my reflection not in the mirror?

My head started to get new information. Then I realised that they were just using me like a toy and then left me to die in this abandoned house. All of my so called friends were using me too. I was furious about that news and full of hate.

I calmed down and looked at my appearance again. Then I realized that rias mentioned something about red dragon emperor.

Y/n: As I promised I will take my revenge. *Sigh* who am I talking. Nobody is in this house. Heh, first my parents abused me, then classmates and now that rias peerage including her tried left me to die. They didn't introduced me to their new member yet so I guess I'll visit him someday. Still I need to check if my information about classmates is true or false.

I looked down and saw bishop piece. I was happy that I am not her peerage member anymore. After that I saw note on the old desk. I took the note and there was written.

Note: hello human or should I say Death. If you are reading this it means that you got a title named Grim reaper. Let's get to the point. Basically you need to collect souls of sinners. Each soul you collect, makes you stronger. You also can unlock your special abilities during soul collecting. Right now you have only immortality, invincibility, flying and death presence. Anyway good luck collecting 100,000 souls and to take your revenge. Before you go, Look at the corner. There is weapon wich will help you.

Grim Reaper.

After reading this note I looked at corner and saw normal scythe.

Y/n: scythe? I like it but it's kinda normal...

When I took scythe, it's appearance changed. Scythes color was dark black. Even light cannot make it brighter. It looked like you were looking into the empty void.

Y/n: I like this scythe more than any other weapons. Shall we test it? Of course.

Suddenly American flag came out from nowhere. I was a bit confused.

Y/n: nobody was in the home so how did this flag came here. I didn't even saw magic circle.

After that words someone came out from the American flag. It was tall man with pink costume, behind him was humanoid creature with big ears that was flying.

???: Dojyaa...

He didn't ended his sentence when he saw me in unknown place.

???: My apologies sir. I had meeting and I tried to teleport but something went wrong and I headed out in different dimension by accident. I'll take my leave for now.

He went at American flag, he took it and rubbed that flag around himself. The flag was big enough to cover average man's body. When he rubbed flag fully over his body, he disappeared like he wasn't here from the start.

*After 5 seconds of silence*

Y/n: WHAT THE F&#$!?

I went out to test my new scythe. Luckily I saw stray devil sitting on the tree. I started to go near him and was surprised. he didn't saw me somehow. When I went near him, I took out scythe and was about to chop his head but he fell down before I chopped his head.

Y/n: what happened... I just touched him with scythe and he fell down.

I looked at his body and were confused. I throught that he passed out from unknown reason but it was untill something flew from his body to me. It was like soul but black. After that soul flew inside my body and I absorbed it. Suddenly I felt stronger than before.

*Flash back*

Note: Each soul you collect, makes you stronger.

*Flash back ends*

Y/n: oh now I remember that but I still need to test my weapon. What should I do...

I was looking for hard material for testing my weapon and saw big stone that was next to the house.

Y/n: this might be work.

I went at the rock, took out my scythe wich was darker that shadow but before I slice that stone I wanted to know what will happen if I touch it with scythe. I touched rock with my weapon and something unexpected happened for me. Scythe went inside the rock.

Y/n: but how. I just touched it with this scythe. I didn't even used my power.

After I took out a scythe from that stone, it left hole in it. I then sliced the stone using scythe with ease.

Y/n: well from what I know, this scythe is dangerous weapon, others can't see me and I am immortal. Right now I need to collect souls. Or should I go back in Kuoh with different appearance? I wonder if I can shapeshift into a human form. For now I need to leave this place and go find humans from wich I can copy appearances.

After I went in city It was midnight but that was not problem for me. I saw some humans appearances but I didn't liked them as much do I kept searching for better. At least I saw human with appearance that I liked: White hair, amber eyes, black clothes and skinny. Suddenly some random thief took out weapon from his pocket and shot him from distance without him knowing. Bullet went through me like I it was nothing and killed that man. This action angered me. I went towards bandit and chopped his head.

Y/n: Luckily nobody was around at this time. It's not like anybody could see me or something like that.

I took 2 souls. First from bandit and second from the random civilian. Then I started to hide dead bodies.

Y/n: I feel like someone is watching me or ...flying corpses... Heh. I should keep going.

I turned around and saw white cat.

Y/n:'s just a cat... But it's weird. Uhh nevermind.

After that I decided to burn bodies.

Y/n: Kuoh I am coming! And soon we will meet eachother red dragon emperor. hope you are not like that assholes.


Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now