chapter 27 (memories)

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*y/n POV*

Y/n: so this is your base form.

Vasto Lorde: yes it is.

Y/n: I thought that you would be something different but I'm still not disappointed.

Vasto Lorde: thanks.

Y/n: oh yeah the fallen angel was there *points finger at fallen angels direction*

Vasto Lorde: thanks for reminding.

Fallen angel: *from distance* this is insane! How did he not died!?

Vasto Lorde: *teleports behind him* because I'm stronger than you... *Slams fallen angel on the ground.*

Y/n: by the way this is the last soul... Hope nothing bad will happens.

Vasto Lorde: same.

*I approached at body, took his soul and collected the soul.*

Y/n: ahh nothing is better than doing last detail of the deal

Vasto Lorde: ...

Y/n: what.

Vasto Lorde: you look different.

Y/n: what? *Falls unconstious*

Vasto Lorde: oh come on man!

Y/n: ...

Vasto Lorde: I'll take you home. (I still wonder, what does sex means from the commercial in the city.)

*Y/n's lost memories*

*Past. before y/n got reincarnated as a devil*

*Rias POV*

Rias: hey akeno I wanted to know, who is this new transfer student?

Akeno: oh do you mean y/n l/n?

Rias: yes. He is interesting and I sense in him strong sacred gear but I'm not sure about it 50%.

Akeno: hmm if you want kiba can bring him to you.

Rias: that's a good idea.


Kiba: hello y/n, right?

Y/n: yes that's my name.

Kiba: our president wants to talk to you.

Y/n: right now?

Kiba: yes y/n, right now.

Y/n: alright I'm coming.

*Y/n POV*

*He brang me to rias gremory*

Y/n: uhh hello?

Rias: hello it's nice to meet you y/n l/n.

Y/n: you are president of the occult research club right?

Rias: indeed I am.

Y/n: so what do you want to talk about?

Rias: do you believe in supernatural?

Y/n: ...why are you telling me this?

Rias: because we want you to join us. So do you believe in supernatural?

Y/n: why not. Yeah I believe in it.

Rias: well then I want to tell you that...

Y/n: that what.

Rias: that we are... devils.

Y/n: so?

Rias: wait what? You aren't scared?

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now