Chapter 12 (encounter of death and infinite dragon god)

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*In our house*

*Shadow POV*

Shadow: Raynare... Ray... Rayray!.

*Raynare wakes up and sees shadow*

Raynare: good morning shadow. Why did you wake me up?

Shadow: surprise.

Raynare: what surprise.

Shadow: ...

Raynare: ...

Shadow: don't you feel different?

Raynare: no. Why are you asking me this?

Shadow: *facepalms* just look in the mirror.

Raynare: ?

*Raynare gets up from the bed and went to the mirror. At first 5 seconds she didn't noticed anything but after, she saw that her wings was fully healed.*

Raynare: M-my wings, They are back!

Shadow: Tadaaa

Y/n: (shadow!)

Shadow: (what is it)

Y/n: (take a guess)

Shadow: (another toast?)

Y/n: (NO!)

Shadow: (you failed to rip someones soul?)

Y/n: (that's impossible so no)

Shadow: (you slapped a girl? I'm proud of you)

Y/n: pfft. (That was funny but no.)

Shadow: (then what)

Y/n: (SCHOOL!)

Shadow: (do I look like a person who cares about school?)

Y/n: wait he is right. (Then what will you do now. You are all alone in home with Raynare.)

Shadow: (I don't know. Sleep? Maybe. Today I will not go to school.)

Y/n: (understandable, have a nice day with raynare)

Shadow: (dude I need to tell you something)

Y/n: (what is it?)

Shadow: (when you were gone, someone knocked at door.)

Y/n: (was it Sona or koneko?)

Shadow: (no it was Loli girl.)

Y/n: (and what did she wanted?)

Shadow: (I don't know, I just closed the door infront of her.)

Y/n: (noice)

Shadow: (not noice. She was behind me)

Y/n: (allright then what did she wanted?)

Shadow: (she was searching for you)

Y/n: (and? Did you tell her where I was?)

Shadow: (of course. You were in arctic right?)

Y/n: (nice joke)

Shadow: (no, for real)

Y/n: (so you told her that I was in arctic?)

Shadow: (you weren't there?)

Y/n: (what did you smoke?)

Shadow: (do you remember when you gave me something?)

Y/n: (yes I remember)

Shadow: (I thought that it was candy so I ate it.)

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now