Chapter 4 (first day in Kuoh)

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*Y/n POV*

Y/n: well it's time to rest but I can't because of my part of the deal. I still need to collect 99000 souls.

* I was walking in the park and was thinking*

Y/n: (I need a place to stay but Where can find it...)

*Suddenly I remembered the house where I Died.*

Y/n: ooh yeah that house. I hate to clean but I don't have an option. It's time to head into my new home.

*As I said that I teleported in that abandoned house.*

Y/n: this is my second hardest challenge ever. First souls and second cleaning... I hate it... For real...

*I was cleaning and repairing this old house for 3 hours. Most hard part was that when I was repairing clock, TV, bed and many other objects. After I ended cleaning and repairing, I fell on the bed. I didn't felt that comfortable for years and closed my eyes wich caused my sleep.*


*I didn't wanted to wake up from bed but still woke up because of Kuoh*

Y/n: it's time for school. Heh I forgot that school is not giving me a good sleep. I miss my old appearance.

*I went at mirror and shapeshifted into my past self. I was shocked at my appearance because my eyes looked like dead and my skin was pale. When I changed into younger version of man wich I burned, I saw nothing weird in my appearance. I was normal highschool kid with white hair and with amber eyes.*

Y/n: much better.

*I put my clothes for the school and looked in the mirror once again*

Y/n: mmm I look good. Now I am ready for the school.

*Destination School*

*I was at Kuoh yards when someone walked towards me.*

???: Hello.

Y/n: hi there.

*It turns out to be Sona sitri.*

Sona: A-are you a new transfered student?

Y/n: Yes I am.

*As Sona saw my face she started to blush a little. I was confused because she wasn't acting like that before.*

Sona: what is your name?

Y/n: (...I'll just name myself Dave...)

Y/n: my name is Dave.

Sona: last name?

Y/n: L/n

Sona: so Dave L/n right?

Y/n: yes

Sona: allright come with me I'll give you a Kuoh uniform.

Y/n: allright I'm coming.

*After Sona gave me the uniform, I put it on and saw myself in the mirror.*

Y/n: I knew that I looked good in my new appearance but school uniform makes it even better.

Sona: new appearance?

Y/n(Dave): I decided to change my hairstyle.

Sona: allright Dave. By the way here is your class.

Y/n: thank you.

Teacher: hello everyone. I'm happy that everyone came here. As you all know we have a new transfer student.

Issei: hope it's a girl.

Random guy: please be a girl, please be a girl.

Random guy2: I hope it's a hot chick.

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now