Chapter 17 (shadow's way to win)

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*y/n POV*


*When I woke up I saw shadow who was throwing chicken nuggets at me.*

Y/n: ...what...

Shadow: school is starting in 5 minutes.

Y/n:and why are you throwing chicken nuggets at me?

Shadow: it's homemade chicken nuggets.

Y/n: nevermind.

Shadow: wake up. *Continues to throwing chicken nuggets*


Shadow: Enough to make you get up from the bed.

Y/n: fine, fine.

Shadow: get ready.

Y/n: ...

*When I put my Kuoh uniform, we ate hamburger. I... dont know how did he made this burgers but it's good. Even vasto Lordes are eating it.*

Y/n: shadow... How did you learn to make burgers?

Shadow: do you really want me to answer?

Y/n: no...

Shadow: allright then.

Raynare: shadow, can you bake this cake?

Shadow: who is the owner?

Raynare: the owner is (owners name)

Shadow: address?

Raynare: address is (address name)

Shadow: do you want me to bake it today?

Raynare: if you can.

Shadow: ...y/n today I will not go to school.

Y/n: and may I ask why?

Shadow: I need to bake a cake and I need time to do it.

Y/n: it's okay. I understand.

Shadow: thank you.

Y/n: it's time to go.

Shadow: cya.

Raynare: bye.

Vasto Lordes: y/n will you let us play outside tonight?

Y/n: sure but only in one condition. you need to listen to raynare.

Vasto Lordes: okay.

Y/n: I'll go for now. I know that I will be late for 3 minutes right now but... I don't care.

*And I went in school With my personality disorder*

Raynare: you can use Google to get recipe of this cake, you know that.

Shadow: thanks but for now I'll go in my room. Please don't come in for 3 hours allright?

Raynare: whatever.

Shadow: great.

*Shadow POV*

*I went up in my room and locked the door.*

Shadow: sorry Raynare but I don't trust google. I have my ways. *Opens closet* let's see what do we got here.

*I opened the closed and there were alot of useful stuff wich are helping me about getting what I want*

Shadow: hmm. Ak-47 as always. Grenade? No we used it already but it will help me about something. I know it. Uzi... This one is small but, I'll still take it. Not this, not this, nope. Oh there it is. Desert eagle, good one.

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now