Chapter 21 (shadow's left and right hand)

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*Shadow POV*

*When I woke up my familiar was sleeping next to me. I walked downstairs and saw that everyone were hugging y/n.*

Shadow: uh hey... What happened here?

*But I didn't get an answer*

Shadow: I see that y'all are hugging. Mind if I join?

Y/n: sure I don't mind.

Raynare & Ophis: same

*I hugged them but I don't know why.*

Shadow: why are we hugging y/n?

Raynare: we will talk about this later.

Shadow: allright.

*Timeskip (after little conversation)*

*I was in my own room watching photos about ice cream. Y/n was doing same In his room.*

*Suddenly Ophis joined me. We were searching for ice creams. I was scrolling down the page untill Ophis stopped my finger.*

Shadow: what's the matter?

Ophis: how about this one*points the finger at the ice cream picture*

Ophis: how about this one*points the finger at the ice cream picture*         

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Shadow: ...sure... Do you want to buy this or you want me to make this one.

Ophis: can you make this?

Shadow: sure... Just wait for 1 day. allright?

Ophis: okay.

*Ophis left the room*

*After 10 seconds since, Ophis left.*

Shadow: soldiers! Get ready, we have another mission!

Vasto Lordes: Yes sir!

Shadow: now listen here. We need to get recipe of this ice cream. Got it?

Vasto Lordes: yes sir!

Shadow: now take your uniforms we are going.

Vasto Lorde: wait. Can you remind me that why aren't we using Google?

Shadow: remember Vasto Lorde. Never trust google about door recipes. They are all lying.

Vasto: thanks for reminding.

Shadow: no problem.

Y/n: shadow where are you going?

Shadow: outside.

Y/n: why?

Shadow: why do you care?

Y/n: you got a point. Wait where are you taking Vasto Lordes?

Shadow: outside?

Y/n: wh-

Birth of the second Death. Betrayed male reader x Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now