Chapter 9

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I told my maids what had just happened, and they told me to be back in time for them to curl my hair and pick out a dress. I grabbed Legend from my room and escaped to the women's room.

I saw Lilly, Kiara, Jade, and another girl I hadn't yet met beside a large window in the women's room. I sat down on a plush velveted couch and crossed my legs. "Hi, guys. Where's Kay?"

"You didn't hear?" Asked the girl I didn't know.

"Leila, calm the fuck down. It's literally only been 30 minutes since it happened," said Lilly.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't believe it," Leila responded shaking her head.

"What happened?" I asked furrowing my brow.

"5 girls have already been sent home. We're now down to 30 girls," responded Kiara.

"That's pretty harsh for only knowing them ten minutes," I said back.

"Well, Prince Aaron probably just saw some of them were interested in the crown, or anything at all," said Jade defensively.

"Well, I heard Queen America never wanted to be in the selection," said Kiara quietly.

"Regardless, it's probably none of our business," Leila chided.

I nodded my head and the rest of us murmured in agreement. They started a new conversation and I cracked my book open to read. The old and frayed pages gave off the old book smell, and I loved it. I looked at the bold yellow and slender black fonts to absorb the story.

"Oh my god, don't you do it," I found myself squealing. I looked up at my book and saw Kiara, Leila, Jade, and Lilly smiling at me with confused expressions. I cleared my throat and changed my tone. "I'm very passionate," I said defensively. We all laughed and I shut the book to set it on a nearby table.

"What's this?" Asked a girl with dark brown hair. She picked the book up and held it my one end of the cover, allowing all of the pages to flop to one side. "You've already got a book?" She said with a scrunched up nose.

"Yes, I got it in the library last night," I said snatching it from her red fingernails.

"Probably because you couldn't afford books wherever you came from," she sighed. She had a bored expression on her face and went back to another area where Princess Marlee and Queen America where sitting.

"What a bitch," commented Lilly.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Danielle Nicholas of Sota. She apparently was a model from her state," Kiara said rolling her eyes. I was tempted to as well, but Mother wouldn't think it would be very ladylike.

I saw the clock on the wall and realized I should probably get ready for my meeting. I quickly excused myself from the women's room. I walked up the steps to my room, giving quick nods and smiles to passing guards and maids.

I got into my room where my maids were playing a card game. They were laughing about something I didn't quite hear, and Diana's gaze rose to meet mine. She jumped up and straightened her skirt. "Miss Elisa, I'm so sorry- we just-there wasn't anything else to do, so-"

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked confusedly.

"We were slacking off," replied Diana shamefully.

"No you weren't," I denied. "You were done with your work. You shouldn't apologize to me, anyway. I'm not above you here."

She nodded her head and I sat down, so Cecelia could curl my hair. Mary did my makeup, keeping a simple brown dust over my eyelids and a rose colored lipstick. My hair was done, and Diana handed me a dress to try on.

I went into the bathroom and slipped it over my head, and it fit like a glove. It's skirts were light purple, and it had a beaded bust. I walked out into the opening and Mary, Cecelia, and Diana looked at me in approval.

I still had a few minutes until my meeting, so I sat down at the piano bench. My maids had left to eat dinner, so I was alone. My fingers brushed the keys before playing the melody from the song I had gotten from the library last night.

The one Aaron got for me. My face reddened at the memory, and I decided to only through it one last time. I played it with more emotion and dynamics, and that made it so much more beautiful than it previously was.

There was an eerie silence that filled my room after I struck the final chord, which was then filled with a thunderous clap. I spun around on the piano bench, causing an unpleasant series of chords from the piano. My gaze fell upon a smiling Prince Aaron.

"I'm sorry, you didn't hear me knock, and I heard you playing so I just," he said apologetically.

"Well, you did startle me, but I forgive you. But really, though! I could have been changing!" I squealed. My mind drifted to that very thought and my cheeks reddened at the idea.

"I said I was sorry!" He chuckled. "Come with me so that we can get better acquainted. We'll, have dinner in private.

He held out his arm for me to take, and I hesitated before putting my arm in his. I closed the door behind me and we went through a few hallways before he stopped.

"Close your eyes," he ordered.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Because I said so," he replied.

"You're very convincing," I said shutting my eyes.

"I know," he chuckled. He guided me up steps and I heard a door open. I felt a rush of warm, spring air, so I knew we were outside. "You can open them now," he whispered.

My eyelids fluttered open and my breath hitched at the sight.

This is definitely a date, I thought, confirming my earlier suspicions.

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