Chapter 14

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Aaron escorted me back to the women's room, his hand locked in mine. Our shoulders brushed together, and usually I'd be bothered by the contact, but it was nice and somehow assuring. We came across the double doors to the women's room, and we stopped. I looked up at Aaron, and he slipped my other hand in his.

"Thank you for taking me out. I had an amazing time," I smiled.

"It was my pleasure, really. I enjoyed it, too," he replied with a smile of his own.

I blushed faintly, and dropped one hand to open the door. I was about to push it open, but Aaron used his other hand to pull me back to him, spinning me into his chest. My other hand was pressed against his chest lightly, and he pressed his lips to mine gently. When he pulled back, he spun me back out.

"Goodnight, Elisa," he said before dropping my hand and walking away. I tamed my laughter, but left my grin. I pushed the doors open and spotted Kiara, Leila, Lilly, and Jade.

"Hey," I smiled before sitting down on the couch. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Well, we were discussing the Spring Ball. It's a ball held every spring for business owners, wealthy families, and a few other twos. It's really soon, and I hope I don't get sent home before it happens!" Kiara gushed.

"Oh, my family gets invitations almost every year," I responded. Leila, who was reading a magazine, started yelling and making girly sounds.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Leila?" Lilly asked with a scrunched brow.

"Lilly!" Kiara scolded.

"It's Illèa weekly! The top twenty have been selected, look!" Leila said excitedly. She held the magazine out in between her shaking hands, allowing us to see the printed letters and names.

20. Bailey Harrington: 4: Atlin
19. Jasmine Smith: 3: Yukon
18. Harper Pennington: 5: Angeles
17. Priscilla Johnson: 3: Kent
16. Opal Spar: 3: Carolina
15. Leila Prude: 6: Fennley
14. Tiny Dane: 5: Labrador
13. Jessica Harp: 3: Bonita
12. Rosa Garzo: 5: Waverly
11. Tulip Anter: 3: Noth Lake
10. Nora Stanford: 4: Paloma
9. Jade Nelson: 3: Likely
8. Katy Fray: 6: Denbeigh
7. Giana Carin: 5: Clermomt
6. Elisa Carams: 2: Hampton
5. Lilly Sears: 6: South Lake
4. Lucia Arbas: 4: Summer
3. Pepper Evans: 3: Tammins
2. Kiara Espanosa: 3: Allens
1. Danielle Nicholas: 2: Sota

"Kiara, you're number two!" Leila squealed.

Lilly's face scrunched ash she read the paper. "How the hell did I get that high?" We all laughed, and suddenly the magazine was plucked from our view by manicured fingers.

"Give me that, you little twat," said a familiarly snappy voice. Danielle. "I'm number one, again. It's no surprise really; being a famous two and all."

"Erm, excuse me, Danielle? May I have that back? I was still reading it," Leila said shyly.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" She scoffed. "It's no wonder you're all the way down there at fifteen. I mean, where else is there for a little six to go?" She spat.

She did not just say that, I thought angrily. She did not just say that. "Did you really," I began as I rose from my seat. "Just throw somebody's caste in their face?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. A little defensive there, aren't you? You're probably down there in caste 6 with her! Aren't you, you little bitch? This is why only twos should be allowed to enter the selection. Twos, like myself, are the only ones with backbone and pride."

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