Author's Note

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Hello, everyone. If you made it here, I'm so glad you chose to read this story with me. It's meant a lot, and I can tell you that this story has gotten me through tough times.

I would like to start off by saying that I know that wasn't the ending you expected. You're probably thinking I'm crazy for ending it like I did, but I have my reasons. I'm sure that by now I have at least published the prologue to that story by now, which I'm sure is the epilogue from this story.

Another thing. Famous authors always do an author's note thanking everyone who made it possible at the end, so I'm going to do that now.

I would like to thank AM07RIE xxdaexx mariferha vereel Gameis13 kaley_coffman dark_artifices ClarissaAli1321 TwilyNerd 14readergirl kateapillar2003 ashlaff29 and maddyymckinneyy for always leaving nice comments and votes. You all have supported me for a long time, and I'm sorry if I missed some other's names.

I would like to thank AubreyAnnaM Fienae rebekahmiles37 WhiteNinja1 and heyimblu for being for what I believe to be all of the original readers. You've been with me since the first start, and I'd like to thank you for that.

I'd like to thank Tori_lynn990 LillyBabyBooBoo Kid-In-Disguise and yabookaddiction for writing some of my favorite fanfictions on The Selection. They have inspired me to write this story, and I'd love to thank them for it. If you haven't checked out their selection stories yet, I would highly recommend it.

Lastly, I'd like to thank abbymcleann . She has been a friend, supporter, and encouragement since I began this story. Her story has also inspired me, and even though we don't get to talk often, it's always great when we do.

She has given me kind words and helped me with storyline ideas. She has voted for (I believe to be) every chapter in this book, and her comments are equally as great. She is a dedicated author, who always replies to her commenters. I try to do that, but I just don't know how to respond sometimes.

Needless to say, she is an amazing friend to me and an awesome member of the Wattpad community.

You must think she's pretty awesome because she got two dedication paragraphs to herself and also a conclusion. Well, she is.

I hope to see everyone reading my next story, which is Taken. It's the second story in this (what I hope to be a) trilogy. It should be up by now. I'll begin posting regularly after I get the storyline written out to the last detail, and I have a few chapter ready for posting.

Thank you to everyone. I love all of you.


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