Chapter 28

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The next morning I stood in my bathroom fixing my puffy eyes. I was still 'ill', but I didn't like it when I worried my maids. When I found them to be acceptable, I exited my bathroom after slipping on a fresh nightgown.

Mary, Cecelia, and Diana were playing a card game I had yet to be taught. Beside them was a silver trey with my breakfast on it. I ate the food silently, letting the fruit juice saturate my dry tongue. I wiped my moist lips with a napkin before asking a nearby maid in the hallway to deliver the trey to the kitchen.

"Can you teach me another card game?" I asked them.

Mary sighed. "I wish we had time, but there's a lot of things we need to catch up on."

"Like what?" I questioned.

"Well, for starters, we're running behind on our normal duties, the ones we usually do while your at lessons. Taking care of you isn't the only job we have," Diana began.

"We're behind on day dresses for you to wear, and while most maids are touching up their finished products for the spring ball, the only thing we have on your dress are the measurements," Cecelia replied in a shortage of breath. She swept her black hair out of her eyes before putting the cards back in the box.

"I'm sorry for keeping you from it," I said guiltily.

"Don't apologize," Mary said. "I hate doing most of that stuff."

"Mary!" Cecelia scolded.

"Cecelia, calm down! I don't think she's going to tell anyone by now," Mary replied curtly.

"When will you be back?" I asked.

"Probably late tonight. If you start feeling 'well' again, then just feel free to go back to your normal life," Diana teased.

"Will do," I replied before they left.

I sat around for a while, often finding my way to the piano. I played absent melodies, trying to distract myself from the situation I'm in outside my room. I looked out my window and saw a young girl running through the palace gardens. She looked about Penelope's age, and she was probably a servant.

I looked over the balcony and gazed out over her. The warm air embraced my naturally cooled body, wrapping me in warmth. I shouldn't waste days like these with petty problems, I thought to myself.

I pulled my thoughts together before showering and lightly applying makeup. I randomly selected a dress from my closet, not even bothering to look at the fabric. As the skirts settled, I looked in the mirror. My reflection stood tall with a turquoise dress that extracted an exotic glimmer in her violet eyes.

I reached for a pair of shoes when I heard the door knock. Cecelia must have forgotten something, I concluded. "Come in," I called.

As I turned my body, my gaze landed on Aaron in a white dress shirt and black pants. His tousled brown hair caught a glint from the light, revealing an auburn tint I had never noticed. My brain frantically collected its thoughts before speaking.

"Hello," I said calmly while strapping my left foot into the heels I selected. "How are you today?"

"I'm fine, Elly," he smiled. I wanted to grin at my nickname, but I reminded myself I was angry and frustrated and kept a polite smile. "Are you feeling better? You certainly look like your old self."

"I am feeling a lot better now," I responded. "I think I can attend lessons and such today. I will probably be at dinner today too."

"That's good," he said before sitting beside me at the foot of my bed while I strapped my other foot into the shoe. "Now what's really wrong? Why are you nervous?"

"I am not nervous!" I denied.

"Elly, you're not using contractions. You've always been great at speaking, and now your sentences are choppy and unorganized. It's unlike you."

I was shocked. The only person who knew about that fatal flaw was Uncle Darry. My own Mother hadn't learned it yet, and within months, Aaron had picked up on what took my closest family member years. "How do you know that?"

"I pay attention," he replied. "I also know that you're upset about Danielle."

I sighed heavily. "If you knew why I was upset, then why did you ask?"

"I wanted to assure you it was ok. I talked with her, and she knows to keep our relationship private. So do the rest of the selected."

"Well, it doesn't really make a statement when they gossip about their latest outing with you in the women's room," I snapped.

"I'm sorry it has to be like that, Elly, but it's what you signed up for!"

My blood boiled. "Signed up for? Signed up for? How about bribed, Aaron! I told you all about this, and yet you still play that card! Not everyone was falling at your feet, but maybe they didn't have a choice! I had expectations and dreams that I could have had if I did this, and maybe it's time you realized it's not always about you!"

I turned around to see Aaron's taken aback expression. My gaze softened when I saw the guilt in his eyes. "Well, this is the situation you're in. If you're not happy with it, or with me, then the door is always there. I'd hope you wouldn't leave, but if being here with me is so terrible, then why don't you just go and follow your dreams and leave this behind?"

"You should know why by now," I scoffed.

"I don't think I do," he taunted. He stood next to me, towering high over my head, even though I had on 4" heels. I looked straight into his provoking blue eyes.

"Fuck off, Aaron," I said before narrowing my eyes. "Why don't you just go play with your other toys, since that's apparently all we are to you?"

"Fine," he whispered angrily. "Maybe I will."

He stormed out of my room, slamming the door behind him. The pictures on the wall rattled before my vase of white peonies fell to the ground, shattering. I wept over the broken glass as I picked up large shards that resembled pieces of my heart.

Well, wasn't that awkward?

Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'll have you know that I did extremely well on my writing exams, and my dance performance was AWESOME. I learned one of the dances the day before performance, and I nailed it. It was AMAZING.

Math exams begin tomorrow, but there's also no extra dance practices, which means more updates. And Good Friday I'm out of school, so I'll have that whole day to write if I don't go Easter dress shopping.

I'd also like to thank abbymcleann for the constant appreciation and encouragement, and not only is she one of my favorite writers, but I'm also proud to call her one of my Wattpad friends. There are also so many others who have helped me too, and trust me; there's going to be a dedication at the end of book one for y'all.

See you guys later- ET (my initials that are easier to type than my username)

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