Chapter 25

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Nothing could wipe the smile off my face the next day. Not Danielle's constant whining at breakfast, not Brenda's three hour long lesson on Canada, nor anything else. I felt incredibly happy.

I even paid attention during Brenda's lesson, which was odd for me. I usually didn't bother since I already had a deep education with the countries of the past. She was going over the greatest writers and the arts of Canada.

"Now, there were many brilliant writers decades ago, people whose books are in the Royal library. Men and women like Margaret Avison, Leonard Cohen, Robert James Sawyer, Alice Monroe, Douglas Coupland, Michael Ondaatje, Farley Mowat, Mordecai Richler, Margaret Atwood, Robertson Davies, and Abby Mclean."

I jotted down notes quickly, my cursive handwriting looping intricately. When I looked back up, Brenda had finished her lecture on Canada. I sat my pen down on the desk, and stretched my cramped hand. I was sure if I released my hand, it would return to its position of curved fingers, as if it were still gripping the pen.

"If you would quietly gather your things, we will be going to the ballroom now for dancing practice," Brenda declared loudly. I contained my bubbled excitement while I shoved my notebook inside my bag. I rose from my seat next to a few other girls.

"I hate dancing," mumbled Leila.

"I know," groaned Lilly. "We do the same stuff, and I still suck ass at it."

"You've been doing a lot better," I said optimistically.

"You'll be great by the time of the ball!" Kiara added brightly.

"Yeah," she responded perkily. "Maybe I'll go from God-awful to just awful! Now that's progress, mother-"

"Lilly," Kiara warned.

That was the last thing that was said before we began our walk from the lesson room to the ballroom. The large ceilings greeted us, our shoes willing the empty room with echoes.

The only difference this time from the other was that the Royal family was waiting with our partners. America stood next to Maxon, linking her arm in his. Aaron stood next to his sisters with his arms behind his back, and the young princesses stood next to two young boys I didn't know.

We all curtsied before them. "Your Majesties," I addressed them.

"Now, ladies, if you would please join with your usual partner," Brenda called out over the noise.

I found Jeremy's tall dark head over the crowd. I went over to him and slipped my hand in his. His hands were rough and calloused, while mine where smooth and soft. He had been a great dance partner since we started using the guards for practice. I'd say we were even friends now.

"Jeremy," I greeted.

"Lady Elisa," he nodded back.

"How many times do I have to tell you that it's just Elisa?"

"As many times as I put Lady in front of it," he replied curtly. I whacked him on the arm playfully before the music started.

We started with a slow waltz, then progressed through the different dances. I noticed Aaron was dancing with various selected members, moving from person to person as the dance changed. The time came when I stepped back from Jeremy to come back to Aaron.

My hand fell on his, fitting the puzzle never solved. We stepped through the room lightly while making conversation.

"How has your morning been?" He asked.

"Average," I responded. "How about yours?"

"Boring," he sighed. "We keep trying to find alliances towards other countries, but we always end up in a dead end."

"I'm sorry," I said furrowing my brow.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. Are you ready for the report tonight?"

"I had forgot about the report," I said honestly."I guess I'll do just fine, though."

"You always do," he smiled. I blushed faintly at his subtle compliment. "Ah, I've missed your blush."

"Well, excuse me if I don't embarrass myself more frequently for your entertainment," I chuckled.

"Oh, it's quite alright. I guess I'll just have to forgive you," he said poshly.

"How gracious of you," I played back as we both burst into quiet fits of laughter. Other dancing couples burned holes in our heads while we laughed.

The song ended, and I stepped back to curtsy. "It's been a pleasure," I said before rising from my stance.

"The pleasure's all mine," he smiled before moving to the next selected member.

Jeremy stepped back into place, but I missed the way Aaron's hand would fit perfectly into mine. We danced a few more waltzes before stepping into the final dance. The last one we practiced was usually more fast paced, so some of the beginners stepped off the dancing area due to lack of practice.

Jeremy spun me several times, and I felt light and graceful when my foot would barely touch the ground. I floated across the room before ending in today's final curtsy. I stepped back up to laugh at what Jeremy had just joked about, but I felt my heart drop in my chest.

Danielle stood with Aaron's face in her hands. Her lips were against his, and Aaron's hands were still on her waist from the dance. Pangs of heartthrob went straight through my chest. I felt the tears prick my eyes. I know that I signed up for this along with several other girls, but I didn't expect for the relationships to be so... open.

Brenda dismissed the class, and I walked a tad too hurriedly from the ballroom. Leila was right beside me. "Elisa, are you ok?"

"I don't feel well," I lied. "I think I'm going to lie down in my room."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to tell Kiara and Lilly?"

"Yes," I responded. "I won't be at the report tonight either."

"I hope you feel better," she said before I closed the door firmly behind me.

I released the breath I didn't know I was holding and tears rolled down my cheeks. Mary, Diana, and Cecelia weren't in the room, and for that I was grateful. I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

I went out onto my balcony and embraced the cool air. The wind had spiked the Angeles air with cold, and the chill stung my wet cheeks. I allowed my tears to fall, and they fell down to the balcony railing and my hands.

I clutched my necklace that I hadn't removed since I first put it on. I ran my fingers along the engraving of the wings, thinking of Uncle Darry. How he would comfort me, and he would know exactly what to say.

Where was he when I needed him most? I thought to myself as the cold wind toyed with my hair, and thoughts of love toyed with my heart.

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