Chapter 10

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There was a table set up on the edge of the roof. Prince Aaron guided me over to the table, and pulled out my chair for me to sit down. He sat across from me and reclined in his seat.

"So, Lady Elisa, tell me about yourself," Aaron invited.

"You don't have to put 'Lady' In front of it. Elisa would suit me just fine," I said casually, to which he nodded. "I come from Hampton and a family of six. I have my parents and three siblings, Penelope, Harrison, and Francesca. Penelope and Harrison are twins, and Francesca is four years old. I've completed a basic college education in medicine. I've also taken piano, ballet, singing, and ballroom dancing lessons."

"Well, I'd say that covers your family and what they'd say about you. But what about you, yourself?" He delved.

I hesitated. That's all that was interesting about me, wasn't there? I didn't openly shared my interests with other people, let alone opinions. Mother said ladies don't share their opinions.

"Well," I said, trying to find words to fill the void in my mind. "My Mother had always wanted me to pursue surgery, and my father wanted me to take over his business of producing medicine. I never really wanted to do either. I've always considered myself fortunate to have the lifestyle I did, and it wanted to provide others with that who didn't get the same opportunities I had. I wanted to become a medical missionary and travel to foreign countries to provide medical care."

"What does your Mother think about that? Or your Father?" He asked, now leaning closer to the table.

"They don't know. I'm not usually one to voice my opinion at home. Mother doesn't think it's ladylike, so I've always assumed her ideas were best. I've always had this sense of freedom I've always wanted, but it was Mother's prodigy. I was everything she trained me to be, and I wasn't allowed to think differently."

"So that's why you act this way," he said, almost to himself.

"What way?" I asked defensively.

"You're always so polite. Every time I've seen you, and I do remember the teas, you've been so polite, and well, perfect. You don't seem to relax," he explained.

"I can relax!" I said loudly.

He started laughing. "I think that's the loudest I've ever heard you speak," he laughed some more.

I semi-pouted and took a sip of my drink. It burned going down my throat, and is realized it was alcohol. "Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed gasping for air.

"What is it?" He said worried.

"Mother would kill me if she learned I drank alcohol!"

"Well she isn't here now, Elisa. She doesn't have to know. Why are you so entitled to your mother's opinion?"

"I don't know. I just am; I was raised that way."

"You're free to do as you please here," he said. We ate in silence for most of the meal, until he stood up and offered his hand out to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Take my hand," he said.


"Because I said so," he smiled.

"This is becoming a thing," I said as I cautiously placed my hand in his.

"Our thing," he said before pulling me out of my seat. I blushed heavily, and he put one hand on my waist. I up to look into his eyes, but he was already staring into mine steadily. "For somebody who's had ballroom dancing lessons, I'm surprised that you haven't put your hand on my shoulder yet," he laughed.

I immediately put my hand on his shoulder. "Why would we dance if there's no music?" I asked furrowing my brow.

"Because it feels right," he replied. "Besides, we're dancing to the rhythm of love."

"That's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard," I giggled.

We danced until our feet were sore and he took me back down to my room. He kissed my hand at the door, and I slipped inside the crack I made in my door. I slipped into my nightgown and fell back onto my bed.

I felt a smile play on my lips, and I grinned in the darkness. This all seemed like dream.

I'd just like to say, Fienae , you're the real MVP because this person has just found a way to access my published chapters. Thank. God. I will still be adding things here and there, changing a few words, and I'm now keeping a character. This is exciting, guys.

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