Chapter 8

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I woke up too see my maids running around frantically. "What do we do now? Do we wake her up?" I heard Cecelia ask softly.

"I don't know! Do you think I've done this before?" Asked Mary agitated.

"Good morning, ladies," I laughed as I sat up in my bed. Cecelia blushed heavily at the fact I had caught her arguing.

"Good morning, Lady Elisa," addressed Mary.

"You can just say Elisa. Putting 'Lady' in front of it makes my name too long for my liking."

I hopped out of bed and went to take a shower, submerging myself in the warm water. I used the familiar purple bottles that Charlene instructed me to use, and they smelled like lavender.

I entered my bedroom in a fluffy robe to see Diana holding a nice dress up for me to try on. Its skirts fell over my head, and I adjusted the straps before looking in the mirror. I looked nice. My brown hair fell over my shoulders in soft curls and my white heels gave me more height, and my skirts were more flowy due to my added height.

"Thank you," I said as I felt the smooth fabric.

"Is it ok? It's my first time doing stuff like this," Diana fretted.

"It's perfect," I smiled. I put on brown eyeshadow and mascara before heading down to breakfast.

I looked into the sea of 34 girls, and was dying to see a familiar face. I saw a flash of red hair, and I prayed it was Lilly before tapping her on the shoulder. She turned to me and smiled.

"Well, if it isn't the unicorn!" She beamed.

"What?" Asked the blonde haired girl beside her with a confused expression.

"Long story," I said shaking it off. "Elisa Carams," I introduced.

"Kiara Espanosa," she returned. I was about to say something, but a voice cleared their throat above all of ours.

"Ladies, if you would please," asked Brenda. "You are about to eat your first official meal with the Royal family, so please act accordingly. The Prince will also be calling you in one by one throughout the meal, and you are dismissed to do free time until later this evening. You are not required to eat lunch in the dining hall, but it is suggested. Breakfast and dinner are required, unless you have prior excuses."

"Everyone take your seats in the dining hall, and I'll need to see Pepper Evans to meet the Prince."

We all filed into the dining hall, and I could see some of the selected fighting for a spot next to the Princesses. I sat by Lilly and Kiara, waiting for my name to be called. People started leaving after seeing the Prince, and the number of people got smaller. I sat with straight posture while eating one more price of fruit from my breakfast plate.

I saw that everyone in the Royal family was done, and I was the last selected still at the table because I hadn't met Prince Aaron yet. "You don't have to stay here with me if you don't want to. I'm sure you have other things to attend to," I said to the Royal family.

"Thank god," said Princess Olivia as she threw down her napkin and scurried towards the door.

"Olivia Amberly Schreave!" Called Queen America. She sighed after she realized she was tok far gone. "It's really fine, we don't mind," she smiled.

My name was called and we rose from the dining table. "Thank you for your company," I curtsied before walking to the double doors to meet Prince Aaron.

Prince Aaron was sitting on a couch clutching his head in one hand and resting his elbow on his knee with the other. He sat up when he saw me and forced a smile. "Hey, it's you," he said.

I blushed faintly. "Yes, it is," I said awkwardly. I sat down beside him and I could feel the stress coming off of him in waves. "You don't have to talk to me right now if you don't want to. I understand you're probably tired," I said.

"No, it's not a problem," he said as he ran his hand through his brown hair.

"Prince Aaron, you're tired. Rest and you can meet me later."

"Well, I guess it shouldn't be that big of a problem since I already know your name," he smirked mischievously. I felt my blush return to my cheeks. "I'll be by your room tonight so we can become properly acquainted," he finished.

"I'll see you later then, Prince Aaron," I said before curtsying and exiting the room.

Wait, is that a date or a meeting?

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