Chapter 13

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When I went up to my room, I took a quick shower and slipped into my dress and exited my bathroom. Mary and Diana were sitting of the couch and Cecelia was rebraiding her hair.

Cecelia looked up and dropped the piece of hair she was twirling. "Where were you last night?" She asked with a furrowed brow.

My cheeks turned red. "I was with Prince Aaron."

Diana's jaw dropped and her hazel eyes burned with questions. "All night?" She managed to choke out. I nodded semi-shamefully.

"Nothing... happened, did it?" Mary asked boldly.

"Mary!" Diana squealed. As she hit her friend in the arm.

"No, nothing like that at all!" I said shaking my hands in front of me.

"That's all I wanted to know!" Mary argued, turning her head to look at Diana.

"You still can't ask about her personal life!" Cecelia fired back.

"Guys," I started, mediating between the three. They turned their heads to look at me. "Nothing like that should ever happen," I told them assuringly.

They nodded their heads and went back to whatever they were doing. Mary and Diana picked up their cards while Cecelia started a new braid. I grabbed a pair of black pumps to go with my grey day dress and went out the door. My feet hit the cold tile, and I met with Kiara in the hallway.

I was putting my heel into the last shoe when I pulled out the chair beside Marlee at the breakfast table. I smiled at her and sat in the seat. "Good morning," I said to the Royal family. Queen America just smiled before going back to scolding Olivia about something.

"How was your night? You two did an amazing job on the report," Marlee gushed.

"Thank you," Kiara said gratefully.

"It was exhilarating," I added.

"Well, I bet it was an experience you'll remember for the rest of your life. It's always an exciting feeling when I go on, and I do it almost every week!"

"I just don't see how," I giggled. "It was so nerve wracking!"

We continued talking as the other selected took their seats, but it was ten minutes into breakfast and Aaron hadn't come in yet. Just when my thoughts drifted back to him, the doors burst open, startling us all into an awkward silence.

"I'm here!" He said loudly. He walked over to his seat in front of me and beside Olivia and pulled out his chair. By now the selected had continued their conversations.

Queen America glared at him and King Maxon gave him a disapproving expression. "Aaron Ethan Screave, why are you late?" His mother scolded.

"I'm sorry Mother," he started. "I stayed up too late and overslept," he explained while sneaking a smiling glance at me. My cheeks flared and I swung my brown curls in front of them to hide my blush.

To Marlee, my attempt was futile. "You're definitely going to explain later," she giggled quietly. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Please don't say anything to your Mother," I pleaded.

She laughed. "Of course not," she told me jokingly.

I excused myself from breakfast early, not waiting for the other selected to finish their meals like I normally do. Before I curtsied, Aaron gave me a sly smile and I has to contain my laughter in front of the Royals.

I went up to my room and saw my maids were playing a card game. I smiled at them and changed my dress for my date so I wouldn't have to later. I put on a longer gown, which had loose skirts like the dresses I wore in Hampton.

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