Chapter 19

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I walked into the waiting room, ignoring the pain in my feet. Most of the selected had returned to their rooms, and there were few who remained. I spotted the Royal family, and they were a sight to see right now.

Nobody really imagines the headstrong Schreave family to be this affected by something. Now the strong leaders of Illèa were weak and vulnerable. The King of the country sitting with his hands in his hair, trying to comfort his wife, the Queen, who had tear stained cheeks and running makeup.

The eldest child and Prince Royale had been shot twice and was now laying in a hospital bed, unable to walk. The princesses were leaned against each other's backs, head nestled in the other's hair. They were sleeping soundly, vulnerable and exposed.

I liked seeing them like this. It reminded me that everyone was human, and nobody was indestructible. Most people don't like to expose their weaker side, which lets me know that when they show it, it means strength.

"Aaron said he'd like to see you," I said softly. America looked up and began to wake the tired princesses.

"What, mom?" Livy asked groggily.

"We're going to see Aaron, sweetie," America cooed. Livy's eyes snapped open and she sprung up from her seat, leaving Marlee without support. Marlee slumped a little before regaining her posture and standing up. They left to see Aaron without another word.

I saw Kiara and Lilly sitting near me, so I sat down next to them. We started making small talk to distract ourselves from the previous events that occurred. They told me that their maids had already began working on their Spring Ball gowns, and Marlee and I hadn't even been fitted for it.

"You're joking, right?" Jade asked.

"No," I shook my head. "I don't even know if I'll be here by the time the ball comes, honestly," I said.

"Elisa," Kiara started.

"Look, everybody knows that you're one of Prince Aaron's favorites. He's with you, like, all the time. We never get unicorn spottings anymore, either," Lilly said.

"What?" I asked confusedly.

"We don't see you anymore," Lilly explained.

"I'm sorry," I said guiltily. I was halfway through a sentence when a magazine flashed in front of my face.

"I'm first, again," Danielle bragged. The magazine rose from my eyes and I saw the girls in front of me with disgusted expressions posed on their faces.

They were quite similar to mine, actually.

"What did you want, Danielle?" I asked her, irritated.

She flipped a colorful page in her magazine. "Well, you know how Alexandrians descended from the original, right? And were distantly related and all?" She put fingers around distantly.

"Why?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Well, it turns out your father changed his name from Christian Nicholas to Christopher Carams. He was brothers with Daddy, so I guess he didn't want to stay in his shadow," he said arrogantly.

"You're lying," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"'Fraid not, cuz. See, I'm just as ashamed of you as you are of me. I mean, I have to be related to someone who has stringy hair, poor posture, low cheekbones, no backbone-"

"Well, Danielle, it's been lovely, as usual, but I'm just going to go," I said sarcastically. Kiara, Jade, and Lilly stood and walked in front of me.

"Try all you want cuz," she said licking her fingertips. "But you can't escape me," she giggled as she flipped her magazine page.

The girls and I made our way back to the bedroom hall and the only sounds the entire way there was the sweeping of glass and our hells against the marble. "I can't believe your related to that cretin," Lilly said finally.

"Lilly," Kiara scolded.

"No, she's right. To hell with everything," I said.

"Elisa!" Kiara gasped.

"That's the first time I've ever heard you swear," exclaimed Jade.

"It's the first time I've ever sworn," I growled.

"Aren't you proud of her, guys?" Lilly asked, wiping a fake tear from her eye. I rolled my eyes at her and stopped when I came to my door. It had a fresh white peony attached to the door, replacing the limp one from before.

"I'll see you guys at breakfast," I laughed. They all waved goodnight and we slipped into our rooms.

Mary and Diana were asleep on the couch, and Cecelia was standing at the dresser eating a edge of cheese. When she saw me, she put it down. "Hello, Elisa," she greeted.

"Are you doing ok now? Did you all find the clothes and shower?" I checked.

"Yes, we did. Thank you very much. The servant's quarters was destroyed in the attack, and that's why we haven't left yet. We should probably start heading towards the quest wing-"

"Don't be silly. Just sleep in my bedroom; I don't mind," I assured her. She looked hesitant, but I laid a gentle hand on her forearm. "Really, I don't. Would you help me pull the sheets down on the bed?" I asked.

She nodded and helped me pull the comforter back and folded, and we also threw pillows on the floor. We also lifted Mary and Diana off the couch and laid them in the bed, and Cecelia began to walk towards the couch.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Oh, well, there's only enough room for three of us probably, so I was going to sleep here."

"No. You sleep in the bed, and I'll take the couch."

"Elisa, with all due respect, it's not my place as a servant to make you sleep on the couch."

"Well, then we can rotate. Every night until you get a permanent living situation, we will take turns sleeping on the couch. I'll take the first turn tonight."

"That seems fair, but are you sure?"

I laughed. "Cecelia, I'm fine! I promise, and it wouldn't kill me to sleep out of a bed for a few nights." She finally conceded and laid down in the bed, and it smiled victoriously. I pulled a fluffy blanket up to my chin and turned out a lamp.

"Goodnight, Cecelia."

"Goodnight, Elisa."

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