Chapter 32

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I was at my riding lesson the next day with Thomas. I was extremely nervous today because it was the day of the Spring Ball, and apparently Nike could sense it. I was running at full speed, which isn't as fast as Midna for Nike, but it's still running.

Thomas was an amazing teacher. He was wise and patient, let alone amazing at what he does. I had only been taking for a short period of time, and I was on a running horse. I brought Nike to a slower pace as I approached the stables. I was in a field of grass for riding today.

I put Nike back into his stall and closed the latch. "I'll see you tomorrow, boy," I promised.

I trekked back to the palace to go to the Women's room. I didn't like staying there too often, but I did like sitting in there with Jade, Leila, Lilly, and Kiara. I sat down to n the small sofa near the window next to Leila.

"Hello, ladies," I greeted.

"Hey, Elisa," Lilly said. The girls and I gasped. "What?" Lilly asked accusingly.

"You said Elisa," I remarked.

"So are you partial to magical creatures now?"

"Well, no," I giggled. We continued to make jokes for about an hour until Kiara said she had to leave. "Where are you going?" I asked her.

"My maids will be furious if I'm not back early enough to get ready for the ball," she responded.

"I forgot the ball was tonight, to be honest," I replied as I stood from the sofa. I straightened the wrinkles in my skirt that had formed while I was sitting down.

"Isn't your family going to be there?" Jade inquired.

"Yes," I replied. "It's going to be good to see them after such a long time. I've missed them so much, and they don't write often because they're so busy."

"I can't wait until they see your transformation," Leila grinned.

"What transformation?" I asked curiously as we all left the Women's room together.

"Well, when you first got here, you always sat up straight and you were uptight and far too polite and modest," Kiara began.

"And while you're still polite and poised, you've began to open up. You've changed the way you speak, and I can see you feel a bit more freely now," Jade said.

"Well, that is true," I said nervously.

"And you've even sworn!" Lilly beamed mischievously.

"Oh my god, you're right. Mother is going to hate me," I said light-headedly.

"You'll be fine," Leila giggled before closing her door with a white Dahlia on it.

I closed my large wooden door softly behind me before walking into my room. Cecelia was humming a song while picking stuff out of my jewelry box while Mary was peering into my closet. She was looking at the shoes and shaking her head.

"What's wrong?" I asked Mary as she looked over my shoes with a look of disappointment on her face. "Where's Diana?"

"Diana's finishing your dress," Cecelia replied. "I don't know what's wrong with Mary."

"Nothing's wrong with me," snapped Mary. She wiped her dark blonde hair out of her eyes and grabbed a pair of white heels. "I'm taking these downstairs for modifications. She doesn't have any shoes fit for this occasion," she said in frustration.

Cecelia and I chuckled at her statement as she left the room. I came to Cecelia at her post near my dresser. "What do I need to do right now?" I asked.

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