Chapter 27

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I held my breath as each member of the selected made their way to the stage. They were really just filling in awkward places since almost every girl had the same view as the other about the attack.

Leila filled the void with light palace conversation, and Lilly filled it in with sarcastic comments and jokes. I had to contain some of my laughter because I could tell she was struggling not to swear.

Then Kiara took the stage at second to last. This show the girls went in order from least favorite to most favorite according to that week's issue of Illèa Weekly. So far, the furthest I've come was 6th. Kiara and Danielle usually shared first place to Danielle's dismay.

Kiara waved to the camera as she made her way to the seat beside Gavril's desk. She walked with the utmost grace and elegance of a princess. She gave a wide smile as she sat down.

"Welcome back, Kiara!"

"It's always a pleasure to be here, Gavril."

"How have you dealt with the attack on the palace? How did you cope?" asked Gavril.

"Well, it was certainly difficult," Kiara started. "I believe we handled it the best we could, and I certainly didn't get the worst of it. I was afraid, yes, but there were so many people who sacrificed their lives for us, and they were hurt. I didn't have time to feel sorry for myself."

"Well said, Kiara!" Gavril said with a few slow claps. He sat back in his chair. "Has it affected your relationship with Prince Aaron?"

She paused momentarily. "We haven't been on that many dates since the attack, but it's still a strong relationship. It's no different from when he goes on dates with the other selected. We spend time away, but I make the most of the time we have."

"Have you two kissed yet?"

My breath hitched, and my muscles tightened. My maids exchanged worried looks that I could see through my peripheral vision, but my eyes remained glued to the screen. Please, I begged to myself.

"Yes," she giggled. Her face flushed while she continued to speak. "A little while after the attack, he took me to the gardens when it happened. It was a very romantic moment."

"Amazing! Kiara, it's been amazing to have you here again tonight."

"It's always a pleasure for me as well, Gavril."

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. Diana and Mary, who were both flanking my sides, leaned against me while Mary rubbed my back soothingly and Diana petted my hair. Cecelia laid her head in my lap.

I braced myself for the upcoming interview with Danielle. This one would definitely be worse considering her love of flaunting. She strode out onto the floor in long strides before sitting down next to Gavril. She flung her dark brown locks over her shoulder while crossing her legs, revealing the immodest slit in her dress.

"Good evening, Gavril," she said before flashing a wide smile through her cherry dyed lips.

"Danielle, it's so great to see you! How have you been, considering the events taken place at the palace?"

"Well, Gavril, it has been pretty difficult. I've felt a strain on my relationship, and it's also been stressful on the girls. I do my best to help them deal with homesickness and stress, though."

"Oh, that's so selfless of you," he responded with a sympathetic look. "Tell me, have you kissed the prince?"

"Of course," she replied quickly. "It was our second date, and it was incredibly sweet, as well. Nobody's ever treated me like the way he does, and he makes me feel special."

"Thank you, Danielle, for joining us tonight," Gavril said as Danielle smiled again and made her exit. "Thank you, Illèa, for watching The Report, and remember to stay safe and to tune in next week. I'm your host, Gavril Fadaye, and that's all for tonight."

The screen flickered off, and I closed my mouth, which I didn't know had fallen open. I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked away the tears. I was surrounded by the warmth from my maids' bodies, but I still found myself to be cold.

"Could I have a moment alone? I'll see you in the morning, if that's okay," I said after I found my will to speak.

"Of course," Cecelia whispered. "We'll see you in the morning."

They all filed out of the room, leaving me alone in the almost darkness. I had lit a small candle that illuminated a small fraction of my bedroom. I allowed the tears to flow from my eyes, and they fell onto the white sheets and comforter. I buried my face in a pillow, creating two dampened spots on the cotton.

I held the candle, but before I could blow it out, a tear fell, thus drenching the small flame. I was shrouded in darkness, with only my loneliness and misery to comfort me.

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