Chapter 5

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I remember the women who took my measurements and asked about my favorite color, style, and fabrics, while my nutritionist asked about my allergies, diet, and any conditions I had in the past, but the rest of the week flew by in quick blurs.

 I distantly remember trying to pack last night, folding my favorite piano sheet music into a slender box and stuffing it into a designer backpack. I also threw my favorite perfume, a book from Father's collection he wouldn't miss, and a few pictures of my family.

I slid my family ring off and sat the metal down on my dresser. I'll be back for you, I thought to myself before slipping into the required outfit. I didn't own any black dress pants, so I instead put on a black skirt to tuck my white blouse into. I braided my hair into a crown, and stuck a peony in my hair. I somewhat struggled with that since a peony was a pretty large flower.

Despite the fragrant flower's enormity,  I was grateful my state flower was also my favorite one. I lightly applied brown eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. I skimmed my lips with a rosy pink, not to dye my lips, but add a little more color. I was never a fan of a lot of makeup, and it was too warm have so worry about sweat ruining intricate powder placement.

A waste of time, if you ask me, but Mother disagrees.

My feet slid into the black matte pumps I had set out for myself and made my way down the stairs where my family was waiting. We shuffled into the car and Franny sat on my lap the entire time while everyone was deadly silent.

She watched the windows with an admirable intensity. She doesn't get to go places very often, considering her young age, but when she does, she's smart enough not to take it lightly. I held her close to me, cherishing the time I had left with her since I hadn't an idea when I'd be back. 

Penelope sat beside me, resting her head upon my shoulder, careful not to smear any makeup on my white blouse. Light freckles dotted her cheeks, only visible from the streaks of sunlight coming in from the tinted windows. She never liked her freckles, but honestly, I wish I had them. 

I held her hand and watched everyone else in the surprisingly spacious limo. We were travelling to the capital for a brief send-off, before I would go to the palace with thrity four other strangers. Mother looked very excited, fixing Father's tie and smoothing down Harrison's hair, despite his struggle to prevent her from doing so.

We drove up to the state send off where there were thousands of people. Thousands of people that probably didn't even know my middle name, or my favorite color. The governor said a few words, and invited me to speak. I shuffled nervously, but Father nodded at me to go up to the microphone. I gazed out into the crowd.

"Hello, everyone. I'm so honored to have the opportunity to serve my country in the selection, and I promise to do my best and represent Hundson the the best of my ability. This place is my home, where my family is. I appreciate all of your support and thank you all for coming out today. It means a tremendous amount to me and my family. I look forward to seeing you all again, but hopefully not too soon," I winked. Many of them laughed, but truthfully, I hope I'd be back before the next Report.

I stepped away from the mic, and there were many people in the crowd applauding my speech. I blushed slightly and returned to my family before getting into the car to go off to a nearby airport where some of the girls from the selection will be waiting.

Mother was crying, and I gave her a small smile before hugging her. Even though she molded everything I did, whether or not I liked it, I loved her immensely. I kissed my father on the cheek, and gave Harry a hug that he surprisingly returned. Penelope was trying to cover up any sadness she had by smiling, but I knew it didn't meet her eyes. 

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