Chapter 21

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We stood in the middle of a grand ballroom. It was wide and spacious with gold detailing and shiny marble flooring. We were all aghast while looking around the gigantic room.

Two hours later, my feet were killing me. Today was not the best day to wear new heels, for they were digging blisters into the back of my feet. I wasn't dancing as much as I had been because Brenda split us into groups, and I was a leader.

The point of that was to focus on details specifically, and Kiara, Danielle, another 3, and I had dancing experience, so she made us group leaders. I was currently making my girls do the dance with guards, and I was checking small details.

"Pepper, be sure to keep your elbows up," I called over the music. "Girls, try to float. Stay on the balls of your feet at all times, and try to stay as light as possible. It helps you follow your guard better, and it looks more graceful. It makes life easier."

I kept watching them and pointed out little details, like a slouched elbow or a sickled foot. I saw they were doing well, so I stopped walking around and remained in one spot.

"You're doing a marvelous job," a voice behind me praised. I turned and saw Brenda. She looked stressed, and there were several hairs falling out of her usually flawless bun.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Where did you learn from, if you don't mind?"

"I've taken ballet since I was a small child, and I started ballroom dancing when I was fourteen."

"It's paying off. Keep up the good work," she called. She went to check on another group, leaving me and the others alone. After a few songs, I let them go for a water break.

"Well, fine! If you don't want my help, then stumble your two left feet!" Danielle screeched. We all turned out heads and saw Danielle exit the ballroom angrily. Lilly, who was in her group, eyes me evilly, and we shared a grin.

"Elisa, would you take these three into your group?" Brenda asked tiredly. I nodded my head, and they came to join me. I now had a group of seven.

"Ok, water break is over," I called. We started the music back and I said the same things I had said to my group when they first started. The usual- light feet, great posture, and never look at your feet.

"Ok, you're all dismissed," Brenda yelled with a hoarse voice. Her bun had collapsed, leaving behind an extremely long blonde ponytail. I went to gather my things from the corner of my room where I had sat them down.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder, and when I turned I saw about nine people standing before me. A few shifted uncomfortably, and I eyed them curiously. Finally, a girl in the front began speaking.

"Hi, my name is Katy, and we were wondering if you could help us dance. We're still new to this, and we need help," she said shyly. Her dirty blonde hair swooped into her eyes, and she immediately pushed it back behind her ear.

"Sure," I smiled brightly. "Where should we start?"

They smiled in relief, and I saw several familiar faces. Leila and Lilly had been amongst the nine to ask for help, but I figured that since they were in a lower caste, they didn't get dancing lessons when they were younger.

About an hour later, they were dancing beautifully. It looked as if they had been dancing for weeks, but they had only been dancing for one day. "Good job, ladies! Keep your elbows up! I'm sure your partner's face is much more interesting than their feet," I called out.

They chuckled in response, and I stood watching them while picking out small details. Arms wrapped around my waist, and I almost screamed before turning around to see Aaron looming above me.

"Aaron? What are you doing here? I didn't think you got out of the hospital until next week," I smiled.

"I lied so I could surprise you," he chuckled.

"You shouldn't have grabbed me like that while I was teaching," I scolded mildly.

"Go on a date with me."


"Go on a date with me," he repeated.

"Aaron, you can't just change the subject like that."

"Will you go on a date with me?"

"Not right now, Aaron!" He smiled mischievously and grabbed my hand before dragging me into the middle of the floor. "Aaron, what are you doing?"

"Listen up everyone," he said loudly, disrupting the dancers. "We're going to show you a demonstration."

"No we're not!" I said lousy back, but his grip on my left hand and his hand on my waist was too strong for me to get away. "Aaron," I whispered angrily.

"Start the music," he called. he lowered his voice to s low whisper. "Just enjoy it, Elly."

The music started and I felt eyes burn holes into the back of my skull. I swallowed nervously after placing my hand on Aaron's shoulder. He took the first step, and from there, everything was easy.

Aaron was an incredible dancer, and he spun me expertly across the floor. He added dips here and there, and occasionally would lift me in the air by placing two hands on my waist. This was known as the Illèan Dance, which I learned only one year ago because it was so difficult to master.

I was spun out and stopped only by our conjoining hand, and then he pulled me back in and placed his hand on the small of my back, drawing me rather close for the Illèan Dance. We were both out of breath and our breath mingled, and we were drawn out of each other's gaze by applause.

I back away from Aaron bashfully, an intense blush painting my cheeks. I cleared my throat loudly. "Ok, I think we should be done for today," I said loud enough for my voice to echo throughout the ballroom.

The other girls went to gather their things, and the guards went back to their posts. "That's how you dance," Aaron whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I'll see you tonight." And with that, he left the ballroom.

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