Chapter 20

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I sat next to Marlee a few days later at breakfast. I had finished my meal as quickly as I could and excused myself from breakfast before anyone else. This was one of the only times of day I could see Aaron without the rest of the selected getting jealous.

Aaron had been asleep most of the time, so I hadn't yet been with him when he was fully awake. He wasn't fully himself when he was conscious, and he barely knew what was going on. I didn't expect him to be aware when I went to see him, but I wanted to at least check up on him.

I ran as quickly as I could to the hospital wing, which was a lot faster than usual since I wasn't wearing heels. My feet were healing just fine, and they didn't sting too badly when I stuck them in disinfectant. I could now wear actual shoes, but no heels since my ankle was still healing.

The receptionist at the front desk looked up and smiled. "Hello, Lady Elisa," she greeted.

"Rhonda, you know you can just call me Elisa by now," I giggled while signing my name on the visitors list.

"Not if I want to keep my job," she laughed. I laid the pen back down on the clipboard and made my way through the patient's wing to see Aaron.

I pushed open the door, and when I looked inside I saw Aaron reaching to the floor trying to grab a fork. I dove on the ground to retrieve it and handed it to him. "You're supposed to be lying down!" I scolded.

"I'm not incapable, Elly," he chuckled. I smiled at my nickname and kissed his cheek.

"I know. I'm just worried about the healing and things. How are your wounds?"

"My chest is fine, but I'm going to stay for another week just in case. I'm probably going to be on crutches when I get out," he frowned.

"There's nothing wrong with that," I smiled optimistically.

"No, but I'm just getting impatient. I feel trapped here because all of the selected come in here, and it's draining."

"Well, I could always leave," I joked. I started to turn away, but he grabbed my wrist and made me sit down on the hospital bed with him, but I didn't mind.

"No, please don't. You're one of the only ones who isn't annoying," he said exasperated.

"Glad to know," I snickered.

"Thank you for the book, by the way. It's really good, and I've been pretty bored lately."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it," I said honestly.

A silence coated the room, but he filled it after a while. "17" he mumbled.

"What?" I asked confusedly.

"Three girls went home. That's why they came to see me. They were too scared after the attack."

"Do you know who attacked us?" I pursued curiously.

"We haven't had rebels since my dad defeated the Southern rebels and signed a treaty with the Northern," he sighed. "They call themselves the a Confederation Patriots."

"What do they want?"

"We don't know yet," he replied softly.He pulled me in for a kiss, and I laced my hands around his neck. He grasped me closer by the waist, and he deepened the kiss.

Suddenly, a voice cleared their throat. I jumped back surprised, and my gaze landed on America. "I was wondering why you left breakfast so early," she said knowingly.

"Erm, I should probably head to lessons," I suggested. I tried hiding my flaming face with my brown curls, and I stepped around America shamefully. Before closing the door, and I heard America laughing as Aaron lectured her on privacy.

I had a goofy grin on my face the entire trip to lessons, and when I looked around the room I saw a reserved seat for me next to Lilly and Kiara. "Unicorn alert," Lilly muttered.

"Lilly, it's starting to get old," Kiara huffed.

"Look, I don't give a fuck if you find it humorous or not. If I think it's funny, I'm going to say it to amuse myself," she snapped.

"Must you always use such vile language?" Kiara gasped.

"Oh come on, even Elisa swears now!"

"That was one time," I mumbled. "Don't bring me into this.

They continued their bickering, and I got out my journal to take notes on Brenda's lesson. Brenda stood at the front of the classroom, straightening out her pencil skirt. She stuck a pencil through her bun to keep up with it.

"Today we will be learning about the history of North America," she began. I sighed inwardly and shut my notebook. I had already learned the histories of every continent, and I knew all about North America.

"Today we will be learning about the United States of America, which had originated with thirteen colonies......."

I slipped Prodigy out of my learning bag and flipped open it's rugged pages. I was engaged in an intense fight when I was drawn out of the story.

"Elisa?" She asked tiredly.

"I'm sorry ma'am?"

"I asked you who the fifth president of the USA was," she replied with a roll of her eyes.

Easy. "James Monroe," I said matter-of-factly before returning to the large blue letters. About two hours later, I was almost finished with the book.

"And that covers the rise and fall of the United States of America," Brenda finished proudly. "Now, ladies, if you would please follow me. We will now be heading to something you've all probably been waiting for," she smiled.

I slipped my book back into my bag and rose from my chair. Kiara and Lilly continued their conversation about appropriateness the entire time we followed Brenda, and you couldn't even hear the clacking of heels against the marble flooring.

Well, my feet made no noise at all.

Brenda stopped abruptly, causing us to bump into one another like dominoes. She threw open two large double doors and we all walked in. Brenda strode to the middle of the room and opened her arms broadly.

"This, ladies, is where we will practice ballroom dancing."

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