Chapter 17

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We stumbled down the hallways, and I cut my foot on more glass. We were almost to the hospital wing and America pushed open the swinging doors. Nurses rushed to out sides immediately, and in filled them in on what I did. They took Aaron behind the next pair of double doors and left America and me alone.

Another nurse came in and took a look at my feet, and submerged them in a watery mixture. I hissed in pain and gripped the arm rests to my chairs as the mixture disinfected my feet, and tears fell from my eyes.

"Is this safe?" America asked with a concerned expression.

"Yes," I said between helps of pain. "I just cut my feet a lot," I explained. They wrapped my feet in thin bandages and my sprained ankle in an ankle brace. I was sitting for America for 30 minutes before she spoke again.

"You can go get cleaned up and take care of business if you need to," she offered.

"Will you tell me if anything happens to Aaron?" I asked. She nodded and I rose to my bandaged feet. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Don't rush, Elisa. You've strained yourself these past few hours." I smiled and nodded at her and started towards my room. The slippers the nurses gave me helped, but I still cut my feet on the glass.

I finally found my room, and the peony on my door was saturated with blood. I came into my room to find things knocked around, and my bed frame was broken. My maids were pacing frantically.

"Oh my god, you guys are ok!" I ran towards them and hugged them, and they hugged me back. I could tell they were weak and Mary's blonde hair glistened with red streaks. You could see red tints in Diana and Cecelia's hair.

"Are you hurt?" I asked them. They all shook their heads, but I could see they were extremely tired. "Let's move the wood off the bed, so you three can lay there."

We struggled against the heavy wood, but finally were able to lean it against the wall close to the door. I flapped the comforter to get wood flakes off, and then laid it back down. Although they were hesitant, I convinced them all to lay down.

When I was sure they were asleep, I took a wet rag coated in soap and ran it through their hair in attempt to get out the blood. I went through about 15 rags, but I did it. I then cracked my door open and signaled a guard to come closer.

"Could you have three clean maid's uniforms sent to my room please? Two mediums and a small, probably. Take an extra small just in case," I requested. He nodded and went off the find them.

I grabbed a simple day dress from my closet and headed towards my bathroom. I shed off the torn and ripped dress from my body, which now glistened with blood. My stomach churned, but not at the sight of the blood. Just the thought that it wasn't mine.

I washed the blood and glass from my hair, cleansing it deeply with soap. I also washed the blood caked on my body, dried and cracked. I dried my hair and left its damp curls to fall in waves. I also brushed my teeth and such, just to get a better sense of cleanliness.

I heard a knock at the door. That must be the uniforms, I thought. I exited my bathroom and opened my bedroom door to see the guard with several maids uniforms draped across his arms. "Thank you so much," I said. "What's your name?"

"Jeremy Leger," he replied.

"Thank you, Jeremy," I smiled before shutting the door. I folded the clothes and lay them across my dresser, and the maids were still sleeping soundly. I decided they must be hungry, so I left to find the kitchen.

Evading glass was difficult, and so was staying out of everyone's way. I tried to grab a bag to put food in, and I started grabbing things from the pantry. I put in three apples, two oranges, a banana, a bag of grapes, and the only meat I could find without preparation was dried meat. I put that into the bag along with two wedges of cheese and raced back upstairs.

When I came into my room, Diana was the only one awake. She only began to stir after I opened the door. "Hey," I said as I closed the door softly behind me.

"Where did you go?" She asked sleepily.

"I got you three some food," I said. "I also had four uniforms taken up here, so you could change. I figured you could use my shower."

"We're not supposed to use any of your things. We're supposed to take care of you," Diana said guiltily.

"Well, if they have a problem with you three using my shower, they can take it up with me. Go ahead and shower," I said gesturing to the bathroom. She gave an appreciative look and went into the bathroom with the uniform. I smiled to myself and set the bag of food down. I began to write a letter to Mary and Cecelia explaining what I said to do.

Dear Mary, Cecelia, and Diana,

I've gone back to the hospital wing to see Aaron. Feel free to take another nap in my bed if you're tired, and I left this food for you three to eat. You can use my shower to clean up and change into the uniforms I left for you. Don't work too hard. If there's any problem with the other staff, show them this note. I'll be back soon.

-Lady Elisa

I quickly folded the piece of paper and laid it on top of the maid's uniform. I saw something lying on my bedside table and smiled to myself. Legend and Prodigy lay on the table, so grabbed both of them. Aaron might get bored in the hospital, so I figured I would bring him Legend.

I started out the door towards the hospital wing, and my ankle was being an extreme pain. I tried to get it out of thought and continued towards the hospital wing. I pushed open the doors to the waiting room where the selected and Royal family sat. I saw an open seat beside Marlee, and immediately sat down.

"Has anything happened?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No, but Aaron asked to see you."

"Really?" I asked incredulously.

"Um, yeah. You kind of, oh, I don't know, saved his life? Go," she shooed. I laughed and passed through the waiting room doors to the patients wing.

I caught a nearby nurse to try and see where Aaron was. "Do you know which room Prince Aaron is in?" I asked.

"I'm not supposed to tell anyone but Elisa Carams," she stated.

"That's me," I replied with a smile.

"Third room to your left," she reported before walking off into a lab. I walked around the corner and pushed open the door to Aaron's hospital room.

Tbh I'm only posting this at 3 am so I can wake up after noon today

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