Chapter Nineteen - Tired

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I sigh as I laid back on the couch in the bus, pulling my personal phone out. I looked through the emails some magazines sent, wanting to ask us questions and stuff. I got easily bored, so I put it back in my hoodie pocket.

I got up, hearing the guys pile inside and pretend to faint in exhaustion, piling on top of each other and snoring before laughing and getting bottles of water from the fridge.

I'm not exhausted, nor tired, nor achy, and nor hungry. I've been like this for three days, no sign of Nathan for explanation at all. Though, who am I to complain? I hate that motherfucker to the point of dreaming of ways to kill him if he were a normal dude. Normal meaning human, at the moment..

I went to the drawers that were under my bunk and go through some lyrics for the next album were going to work on after the year ends, accidentally seeing a line I had written when I had been drunk and, slightly, high.

'Even if I haven't seen her take her first steps I'm still going to be there,

You can't take that away from me.'

I sigh, that is painfully true.. Yet insignificant.

I crumple up the paper, throwing it away. I won't dedicate a song, nevermind album, to my past. People will only question it, and I'll be forced to relive Regans' life.

I take out the pad of paper, seeing the other unfinished songs I had left out for me to figure. I lay back, thinking of yet another idea...

"So this is how you spend your time?" I hear Nathan say. "It's fairly boring, I must say."

I close my eyes. "Well, I've loved writing ever since I could, so too bad. Sorry I'm so boring off stage," I say, sarcasm filling my voice in the end.

"Hmm, I'll take that apology. Anyway, how are you feeling?" He asks.

"Sick and tired," I say.


I open my eyes and sit up, glaring at him. "No, I feel sickeningly indestructible."

"Ah, good. Then the change is almost complete."

"What's that supposed to fucking mean?"

"Well, your body is adjusting to my blood in your veins. It's fixing your body into the vampiric standard."

"To me, that sounds really fucked up."

"Take it as you may, but it's the best to describe what I know your feeling."

"Oh, really? I feel like I'm on my fucking period because I'm so fucking pissed off! And to add to that I'm scared I'm going to accidentally break one of my brothers' bones! It's been like this for fucking three days!" I yell.

Nathan looks at me with shock, that's a fucking first. "What?" I hiss.

"This is strange, maybe you should look in the mirror," he says.

"Or you could just tell me to my face."

"Well, thing is.. I cannot. Just do as I suggested."

I get up and go to the bathroom, once I turn around I instantly freeze. "What. The absolute fuck?!" I yell.

My eyes are red, no, crimson. But they're also slits, like a cats. "Nathan! Tell me what the fuck you did! Right fucking now! I can't go on stage tomorrow with my fucking eyes like this!" I screeched.

"Holy shit, Ray! What the fuck is going on -" I hear Nick cut himself off.

I saw him in the mirror, looking at my eyes in amazement. "Whoa, that's cool looking," he says, I turn to look at him in disbelief.

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