Chapter Fifteen

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I run and punch him spare in the face, ignoring the pain it inflicted on my knuckles, and yelled for him to shut up when he fell to the ground. "Shut up! Shut up!"

I breathe heavily as I step back, watching him get up. "I am not her." I say. "Haven't been for half a decade now.."

"You're getting stronger.. I suppose I'll have to be a tad careful.." Is all Nathan says when he stands straight, wiping away some blood from his lip. "And need I remind you that anger just quickens the bloodlust?"

"You're such a fucking prick.." I curse, hearing the guys run back out to see why I screamed.

All they did was look at us before agreeing will Josh, who said, "huh, at least you didn't rip his head off."

"Hey, at least she didn't rip his balls off!" Jake laughs.


"Come on, guys.. The thought did occur to me, though." I say, lifting a finger just 'cause.

They laughed harder. Nick cringing as he imagines the pain, I only know that because he hand near his own balls. Which we all laughed at, all except for Nathan of course.

Good, because he's no friend of mine. Never will be.

"Alright, I think we should go to bed. We have another show tomorrow, then a day off to sleep all day." Matt says, trying to stop laughing and cringing.

"Yeah.. Yeah.. I still got dibs on the first shower, though!" Josh yells as he runs.

"You asshole! That's my freedom from the 'guy-o'!!" I shout after him.

"Guy-o?" Nathan says with a arrogant-looking confusion.

"Guy odour, guy body odour, etc." I explained dryly.

"Hm, funny."

"Yeah, she's the dorkiest of us all! Her and Dracula are like this!" Jake says, crossing his index and middle finger together. "Hey, what a funny coincidence

Kay, first of all.. Van Helsing is an amazing story with fucking Hugh Jackman! So don't you fucking start. And also, just 'cause I've been talking about that 'Dracula Untold' commercial for a couple months doesn't mean that I'm a dork!" I say. "And if you don't shut up I'll cut those fingers off and cook them up for you to eat."

Jake fought to stay quiet, though he had to bite on his lips and commence shaking, he succeeded. "I'm gonna go to bed now.." He said with his voice straining his laughter.

"Yeah, you do that. Maybe you can jerk off in your bunk quietly." I say.

Jake just fell to his knees near the door to the bunks, letting out his laughter. ".. You're such a bitch.." He manages to say between gasps for air.

"I know, I'm going to get the knife now.. Nick, do we have one of those serrated ones? Or just butter knifes? Wait, first, which would be more painful?" I ask with a 'fake-serious' face, I'm very known for being able to ace it.

"Uh... Butter knife." Nick replies. "Pain'll last longer."

"I'm beginning to get a little worried.. Should I?" Nathan says, only observing our jokes.

"Nah, we're not serious.." I say, too busy looking for the cutlery Jake had actually put away. "Where, the fuck, did you put the knives, man?"

"I ain't telling you nothing, you sadistic bitch." Jake says.

"Ah, found 'em."

"Shit..." Jake then runs, I only stand there. Hearing him try to open the locked and in-use bathroom door. "Josh! Open, the fuck, up!" He says.

Josh shouts something I can't make out. "I don't fucking care if your jerking off! Ray's gonna saw my fingers off!"

"... You won't be able to finger my sister, then." Is what I actually hear from Josh.

"You asshole, I'd never!"

"What's THAT supposed to fucking mean?!"

I burst out laughing. "Dude, when are they gonna stop joking about that?" Matt laughs.

"Never." I say, putting the butter knife away.

"Yeah.. But Josh's sister, guys." Nick says.

"She is quite hot." Me and Matt say.

Nathan looks at with confusion. "Hey, excuse me and my bisexual-ness. The more you fucking know."

"Ah, I wouldn't have guessed."

"Yeah, well don't expect to get to know me more. We aren't fucking pals." I remind.

"Of course, I'm your creator. I know this."

"..... Doesn't that mean you're her mom?" Matt asks.

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