Chapter Twenty-One - Wow

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Nicks' P.O.V. (Holy shit, it's been so freaking long!)

I hate this... I fucking hate this. "Thanks, Aus. I need this," Raven said, taking the baggy and pipe gratefully.

"Yeah, no problem. It's only weed," Austin responds.

"Okay, how much?"

"Hey, I'm one of your security guards. I get enough money," he assures.

"Austin, come on."

"I don't need it."

"Alright, fine.. Can you help me with this? I've forgotten since it's been so long.."

"I suspected so," he chuckles.

"Ray, are you sure you won't get addicted again?" I ask.

"Well, I'm sure. This is a small supply, and I got the cheap kind just in case," Austin says.

"You're such a dealer, Austin."

"Hey, I grew up one. Blame my parents," he jokes.

He sets up the pipe and lights it for her, she seemed to be guilty about this, that's good. I hate seeing her like this, like a broken rockstar.

"So, where are the guys?" Austin asks casually as Ray smoked.

"They're out getting more booze," I say. "By the way, Ray, do you need another Fireball?"

She shakes her head, coughing and waving at the air. But in the end sighed and seemed more relaxed, that's also good. I'm just going to say one thing, the label causes her a lot of stress.

"No, but can hand me another veggie burger? They're fucking good, Aus you want one?"

"Did Jake make it?"


"Is it poisoned?"


"Okay, then.. You sure?"

Ray starts to laugh. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"Alright, then. I'll have one, too."

I go and grab three, one for me, one for Ray, and one Austin. Handing the two of three to the two, they got kid like smiles plastered on their faces and ate. "Oh, yeeeeeeah, buddy. Thank god we have Jake," Ray sighs, smoking more.

"Dido, on that," I say.

As we ate, I started to see Ray become more slack. But she seemed to be thinking about something bad, like back three years ago. "Hey, Austin. Can you go check on the guys? The liquor store isn't that far, and I'm kinda getting worried," I say.

"Oh, sure," he says carelessly. "Would you like me to get some guards by the door?"

"Nah, I think we're good."

"Alright, be right back," he says, jumping up and running out the door.

"Hey, Ray. Are you alright?" I ask.

She nods vaguely. "Yeah, yeah. It's just the green, it's been a while..."

"Hm, okay. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah... And no," she says, setting the burger down.


"I don't know. I feel like I did six years ago..."

I get confused, she never said anything about what happened six years ago. Back then, she just said she had problems at home. And me and the guys invited her to stay at our house, since she had looked very, very beaten up. "What about six years ago?"

"Nothing... I don't need another person to know."

"No, tell me. It's better to tell someone," I say, walking to sit opposite her at the small table by the kitchen.

"No. I'm not her," she says, smoking some more.

"Not who? Please, tell me."

"No! It's bad enough that Nathan knows, I can't have my brothers know, too!" She bursts.

This surprises me, she's crying. Ray never cries. I go and hurry to the other side of the table, hugging her. But she shoves me away.

"Fuck.. No, why is this happening?" She mutters. "Why know?"

"What's happening?" I urge. "Raven, tell me!"

"No! No! It's the only thing separating me for her!"

"From who?!"

"Shut up!!" She screams. "... I'm s-sorry.... I thought this would work like it-it did..."

"Ray," I utter, "it's okay. Please, calm down."

"I c-can't... Please, make it stop. Make it fucking stop!!" She cries.

"I.. I don't know what to do, Ray," I admit, going to hug her again, this time she lets me. I repeat saying a series of "it's okay" and "please stop crying", but she wouldn't stop and it was scaring me, even though she had calmed down she was still crying - if that makes sense. "Ray, come on. Put this down, you need some sleep," I say, taking the pipe from her. I knew this was a bad idea.

She was hicuping, tears still streaming, as I helped her up to her bunk. "I.. I hate Nathan," she uttered as she pulled the blanket over herself.

"I know, I do, too," I agree, but she had passed out already.

And like it was on cue, Austin ran back onto the bus. "Hey, where'd Ray go?"

"She's asleep. Here," I say, tossing him the damned pipe. "Listen to me, I don't want you selling her anything, alright?" I basically demand.

"Alright, okay. Did something bad happen?" Austin asked.

"Just don't sell her anything."

"Alright, understood."

"Good. What about the guys? Are they coming back?"

"Yeah, they're just buying cigarettes."

"Okay, well. I'm going to bed, see you next show."

"Yep, see ya."

One word: Wow. Didn't expect weed in the story, huh?

~ Lynda <3

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