Chapter Seven - To Juliet

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Me and the guys all decided on playing a joke on the sleeping fans; we were going to all lay down near, beside, (and for me:) on the fans. I had set an alarm on my phone for a minute and we all carefully sat next to the fans with an around them, but I was going to lay across Nick an two other guys. Nick was between them so my head was on one guys' lap and feet on another's as my butt was on Nicks lap ( This is how close me and Nick are as best friends.. For life!).

Soon the alarm on my phone went off and the seven asleep fans woke up groaning. "Ugh, who's alarm is that?" A guy asked.

"Oh, shit -- dude! Look over here!" The guys above me whisper-yelled.

"Holy shit! 'The Outcasts'!" A girl whisper-yelled.

"Dude, don't take a picture!"

"Oh, God.. Too much Old Mil.." I heard Jake groan, pretending to just wake up.

"Ha ha, look at Ray.." Josh yawned (for real).

"Aw, look at --"

I started to laugh, it was getting to much! I could feel a hard-on nudging my head! The guys started to laugh as well, then the fans, I guess they all noticed it too.

Some time later..

- Andrew Biersack, from widely known band 'Black Veil Brides', P.O.V. -

I sighed as I stared at my notebook, usually writing came a little easy.. Now not so much. I put the book away and walked out of me and my bandmates' dressing room down to the stage inside tonight's venue.

I should be extremely excited, one of my personal favourite bands are touring a year-long tour with us called 'Church of the Wild Ones'. 'The Outcasts' may be known better and more professional than 'Black Veil Brides' but we're supporting each other, and we'd really like to make friends with these guys, maybe then I could get myself back on track.

"Jared, I don't care what 'The Rolling Stones' said about me and my smoking!" I heard a low and scratchy woman's voice say from across the room. "Ooh, I'm so fucking scared! What are they gonna do? Spread rumours? Ha! You hear this, Jay? I laugh at those petty assholes behind screens with rods up their asses!"

I looked up and saw who the woman was. I guess I should've recognized her voice right away since it was Raven Von Williamson herself. Lead singer in 'The Outcasts'.

"Hey, guys. Jared's talking to me about how I shouldn't be smoking and I'm smoking right now!" Raven said to her bandmates; who were talking to with their sound crew about something else.

"Ha! Does he know?" Said one guys behind a bass, I remember him being Nick..

"Nope." Raven said, I noticed she had a cigarette in her hand with a blue flip-phone resting on her shoulder. "Uh-huh, Jay. Yeah, I'm listening.. I can hear you loud and clear." She said as she rolled up her black jackets sleeves to her elbows and pacing in another direction.

"Hey, Andy." A hand landed on my right shoulder. "Me and the guys are going out for a few drinks, you look like you need one.." Ashley, our bassist, said when I turned to see him standing behind me with an encouraging smile.

"Yeah, I guess I do.." I sighed.

Ashley held a sad look. "Come on, let's go."

We walked outside and met Jinx, CC, and Jake at the sidewalk. There was a small pub down the street that they had pointed out so we headed straight for it. All my best friends were trying to cheer me up and everything but soon gave up, not on me but on trying to get me to be happy faster. I'm just too sad about what happened a few weeks prior to this tour to truly appreciate what they're doing. What everyone is doing.

We got inside the pub and ordered a few beers, that's all. We need to be sober for the show. We got ourselves a table and stayed silent for a few minutes, soon Jinx gathered his words from his choked throat, raising his bottle with sad eyes and said, "To Juliet.. She was one of the best friends I know.."

"Cheers to that, man.." Jake said, clinking his bottle with Jinxs'.

"Cheers.." We all said, raising our beers in sad respect, drinking most of our bottles away..

.. How could I have not noticed that damn car?

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