Chapter Nine - I need a smoke..

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I gave my last hug, wrote my last note, my last signature, said my last 'I love you'. My finger should hurt by now, but it doesn't.

I feel really really good about what I do for these people, me and my bandmates make these people feel good. Good about themselves, and they make us feel good to. It's an awesome give and take cycle.

"Alright, that's the last bunch." Jared said. "Let's go."

We got up and carried the small yet adorably AWESOME gifts and candy some - most - of the fans had given us all the way to the dressing room.

"Look at this little guy!" Matt said, holding up a tiny, stuffed, black bear. "It's so cute!"

"Hey, guys." Nick said as soon as Jared left.

"What's up?" Josh asked.

"Fuck, right.." I sighed. I forgot about having to tell these guys about what's happening. I, sort of, got used to this new thing going on with me..

"What's? What's wrong?" Jake asked.

"Uh, during the show something was changing inside me." I said.

"Wait.. Your not pregnant, right?" Matt asked.

"What? No! Remember?! I'm a vampire!" I whisper-yelled.

"Oh, fuck. Right.." Matt said. "You just didn't say anything about it and was acting like yourself.. So I kinda.. Forgot."

"Yeah, dido." Jake said.

"So.. What's up? Are you thirsty for blood?" Josh asked.

"Well, I'm not sure. I just feel different.. Like, I don't know." I said, sticking my hands in my pockets.

"Ah, so it's finally happened?" I heard another guy say behind me.

I turned around with a dark glare, backing away to my bandmates when I saw Nathan walk into our dressing room.

"Who the fuck is this? Security!" Nick yelled.

Nathan rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I guess you didn't talk about me much, hmm?"

"No, I told them how you changed me and how much of a complete fuck-tard you are! Get out!" I shouted.

"You know, Ray. I'm a little puzzled on how this changed happened sooner." Nathan said, ignoring my demand completely.

"Well, no one's perfect."

"Mm, that's quite true.. But this is a different matter."

"Ray, who the fuck is this guy?" Josh asked.

"The asshole who turned me into this fucking.."

"Monster?" Nathan taunted.

I glared at him. "I already considered myself a monster.. Not to mention 'Demon'.. 'Bitch'.. 'Succubus from the deepest pits of Hell'.." I chuckled. "I just never thought I would become a real Demon.."

"Oh, come on. There's perks to Vampirism.."

"Yeah? Like Hell there really fucking is! Now get the FUCK OUT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Nathan covered my mouth with his hand before I could make more noise. "Calm down, Raven. That anger will will only make the bloodlust come faster.." Nathan murmured.

"Hey, get the fuck--"

Nick, Jake and Josh pushed Nathan away while Matt pulled me by my hand, asking if he did anything. "No.. I'm fine. I just.. Really need a fucking dart.." I uttered.

"Cigarettes will only make it come faster, Raven.." Nathan said highly.

"You know what? I am sick and tired of this ass. Where is security?" Nick said, running to the door and calling security up.

This time they showed and so did Jared, they hauled Nathan out while Jared and Nick said something about not doing their job right.

I said that I need a cigarette and Jared assigned two big security with me in case Nathan came back. One of the security guys, Austin, opened the last door for me and the cold January breeze blew onto my face.

"Ah, thanks guys.." I said.

I lit my cigarette and relished in the smoke around me, Marlboro Reds are too relaxing I tell you..

I heard someone walk over beside me, they were smoking as well. "Uh, hey. I'm Andy." The person said.

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