#56 - Begin Again

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Oh damn!

She cursed for the 6th times this morning, when she is lying naked on her bed with a bad headache. Well, she was drunk yesterday night and hook up with a strange woman. She didn't remember a thing, it's just that her naked state, her hangover and the note on the nightstand proved it all to her. It said:

"I have to work this morning so I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to say goodbye. Thank you for the night.
P/s: My name is Adele, not Lisa ;)"

Damn! Did she moan Lisa's name last night? She cursed again. This time, she decides to wake up since she still has an unfinished business with Jin Ah. She grabs her phone and book the earliest flight back to Seoul.


Jennie rings the bell of her apartment - she has been leaving it for Jin Ah while she moves to Calpe.

Karma goes around. That's what she learnt. From the bottom of her heart, she doesn't want to hurt people, especial the one she loves. Jin Ah, especially, used to be her husband in her previous life. She never means to hurt her. The love hasn't been away, just the people who go apart. In this case, she is the one who fall apart of the relationship, and she knows how the feeling of being left. The least she wants right now is to have Jin Ah understand, accept and free her own soul from the hate and the sorrow of a breaking up. Jin Ah needs to be free from her and find her true soulmate.

Jin Ah opens the door, her eyes are shallow and red, but they immediately turns angry when she sees Jennie.

- Jin Ah.. - She mumbles.

- What are you doing here? - Jin Ah's voice is harsh.

- I come back for you. I want to talk. - Jennie nearly sounds like pleading.

- Just leave and find Teddy. I don't want to talk to you. Not now. Jennie.

Jin Ah aims to close the door but Jennie is quicker.

- We need to talk, Jin Ah, - Jennie holds the door. -  You asked me to come back and talk. And why does Teddy involve in this. It's just me and you.

- Seriously, Jennie? Have you seen the news?

- What news?

- See it yourself and go find Teddy. You're welcome.

With that, Jin Ah closes the door. Jennie pulls her phone out of the bag, turn it on since she had turned it off during the 10-hour flight.

35 missed calls.

Form Teddy and her former staffs.

She opens her dm box and read the first link she catches.

The title said: "Jennie Kim actually retired to play lesbian?"

With a selfie of her sleeping haft naked with covered sheet beside a smiling Western girl. The girl she hook up with.

Jennie hugs her face with her palm. It absolutely will be a mess. A hot big mess.


Jennie hits the bell twice, waiting for Jin Ah to open the door again. Jin Ah doesn't answer. The last choice is to use the back-up key card. So she does.

Jennie opens the door and faces Jin Ah standing in middle of the room.

- Jin Ah. We need to talk. I'm serious.

- Is it true, Jennie?

- I'm sorry. I was drunk. - Jennie is hopeless. - I don't remember anything.

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