#7 - Lisa

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Rosé's POV

- Jennie ...

I call her with my softest voice. I sit right next to her, try not to touch her. Jennie just raises her head a little, looking at me with her teary red eyes.

- It's ok now. I'm here. It's gonna be alright.

I say softly, still not touching her as I know how hard for her to take my touch. But at the same, I know she needs someone to hold her right now, she is broken, she is too fragile. I land my hand on her shoulder, caress slightly, she doesn't startle, it's a good sign.

After a while, her muffling sound stops, I speak up.

- Do you wanna go home? I will take you home.

She raises her head a little and nods. We stand up and I still hold her shoulder. And she says in her hoarse voice.

- I'm ok now... Thank you Rosé... I can go home by myself.

- No. I'm not going to let you go home on your own. I drive all the way here just to pick you up.

- How do you know I'm here?

- I was with Lisa and she told me.

Lisa's name makes Jennie's breath hitches. I caress her shoulder.

- Are you really ok, Jennie? I'm worried about you.

- I... I... - She hesitates as she uses her both hands to cover her face.

- You don't need to talk about it right now, let's talk whenever you are ready. It's ok now, I will drive you home.

I say in my soft voice and caress her shoulder continuously to assure her.

- I screwed it up! ....She's gonna lose the deal and I will be fired.

- Hmm... What do you mean?

She inhales and exhales heavily as she runs her fingers in her hair, telling me what happened.

- We were with Mr. Kim and Mr. Yang, Lisa suddenly disappeared and then Mr. Kim... he ...-kissed me. I fought back but... anyways I bit him when I couldn't find any other way to get him off me. He bleeds a lot, he almost hit me, but Mr. Yang held him back. They both got furious at me before they left. They told me that they would never work with Posix again.

I hold both of her shoulders, looking at her swollen lips makes my heart ache somehow. But I feel relief to know that she had fought didn't let them do the worst to her.

- Jennie - I make her look at me as I say. - Don't ever think that way! You have been harassed and I can't believe that you are thinking about the company instead of yourself right now. Posix is having a lot of big deals and It shouldn't partner up with monkey business like them. I will sue them for harassing my people. And Lisa too, I'm sure I will make her come to apologize to you.

- No, please don't, Rosé. - Her voice is shaking as she avoids my eyes. - I don't want to. I guess I'm ok now and I don't want you or Posix to get bad credit for suing its clients.

Now she is thinking for me and the company before herself.

- I don't want and never want you to think about it that way. Posix protects its people cause they are the most valuable asset that Posix has. But I think we will take about it later, okay? Now let me take you home.


Now we are in a convenience store cause Jennie doesn't want to go home when her eyes are still puffy, she is afraid that her brother will worry about her.

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