#27 - The mixed feeling

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Jennie's POV

Yeah. She said: "I will make sure you will have the best date ever!" She didn't say: "I'm gonna take you on a date!" She must have thought about this when she suggested doing things for me.

Jennie Stupid Kim.

I bite my lips and suppress the harsh feeling I feel inside my stomach. I look at Rose, who is lining up to buy us coke and snack. We are going to the Maroon5 live concert in Seoul. Lisa bought the tickets and gave Rose, telling her to pick me up to this concert.

I have been trying so hard, not show my disappointment to Rose - she doesn't deserve being treated that way. I shouldn't blame it on Lisa either. It's just me and my assumption from the start.

The concert was great - I really mean it. Rose was a great companion as well.

She is nice, funny and caring. She could be your perfect date. She will pay for your drink and food, she will take your hand to guide you through a crazy crowd of fangirls, she will put her hand over your shoulder to protect you from the crowd. She will sing along with you during the whole concert. She will laugh and joke around with you as well. But since you are expecting someone else, it still feels like something is missing. You have no idea what is that.

And since that someone else of yours told Rose about tattoo things, she took you to a tattoo shop after the concert. You pick up a daisy and have it on the left of your lower abdomen. After that, Rose and you had dinner in a fancy rooftop bar in the middle of Gangnam-gu. That sounds like a perfect date that every girl could wish for.

The date should have stopped there to be perfect. But it didn't. Rose took you to her house so you two could watch some stars from her telescope. Like you could resist her. You came to her house, of course. And after, you two had fun looking at the galaxy from the telescope, now Rose is saying something like she likes you and she wants to court you.

You never expect this on your first date. And all you want is just to blackout and wake up in tomorrow morning, so you could have some time to think properly. Here is what she is telling you.

- I have been thinking about it a lot. Since you and Lisa had trouble and both of you were sent to the hospital while being unconscious, I have started thinking about what I really want to do before I die. It's just what if, what if I will die tomorrow, so what do I wanna do today? It hits me that life is too short that I have to live to my fullest whenever I can. And one of those which has been running in my mind for weeks is YOU. This could be sudden, I know, but I really like you Jennie... Don't say anything yet, just let me finish, okay. First, you don't have to like me back right away if you don't feel the same. I know you can force you and your feeling, but I want you to think about giving me, giving us a chance. I was so scared that I could break our friendship after I told you this. But the thing is, Lisa and I are still best friends after our trying to be something more, so I think it could work for us as well. Just give us a shot and if things between us don't work, then it's ok, we're still friends. The second thing is, I'm serious, about everything I have just said.


It's around 11.30 when I walk inside Auntie's Ramen shop. The shop is closed but my aunt still works in the kitchen, cleaning and preparing for tomorrow. Leaving my bag on the table, rolling up my shirtsleeves, I enter the kitchen to give her a hand.

- Jennie? Why are you here? - She seems surprised by my presence. It's been a long time since the last time I helped her in this kitchen, since I started working at Posix I guess. - Have you eaten yet? Do you want to have some ramen or some rice?

- No. I did eat. - I release a weak smile - I just miss you so I come here.

- I met you two days ago. Tell me, what's wrong?

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