#36 - All the lies

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Jennie's POV

Over the other corner of the boutique, Rosé is calling my name and waving. I walk to her direction while she is holding a light blue for me. Lisa and Jisoo are nowhere to be found.

Back to an hour earlier, while Lisa and I had a mind-blowing making out session inside her office, a knock on the door interrupted us. It was Rose.

I untangled my legs around her torso and our lips parted while we both released heavy breaths. A little panic was noticeable in my eyes, and she calmed me with her firm voice "Under the table."

I have never had an idea about sexual frustration until that moment. I wanted Lisa. I needed her. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to trace my lips all over her skin and she would do the same to me.

While I hid under the table, Lisa lied about me going to the library to help her find something, then she led Rose to the library to find me. I fixed my clothes and my hair before walking out of her office. I found Sana staring at me and I felt like I was caught.

15 minutes later, they were back, Lisa, Rose and Jisoo. During the drive, I sometimes caught Lisa stare at me, and I stared back at her with the same intensity until her lips curled up nearly like a smile.

Taking the dress from Rose, I walked to the fitting room while my mind still wandered around the event earlier, our kiss inside her office, the feeling when she touched me. I badly want to feel it again and again. The thought makes my stomach flip and my legs feel weak.

The fitting rooms are located in an isolated area. Each room has a curtain, a body mirror, a chair, and a stand rack. I choose the last room in the line. This boutique in which different designed clothes are on sale belongs to Jisoo's family. I have no experience in choosing a dress for a formal party so Rose did it for me.

Taking off my shirt and my tight dress, now I'm only in my undergarment, I look at myself in the body mirror, I got my body from my mother who could win Miss Korea if she was 4 or 5 inches taller. My fingers touch my abdomen, this is where Lisa touched earlier, her touch felt so good.

That's when the curtain is lifted up and my eyes bulge out in shock when seeing Lisa with a smirk on her face, inside my fitting room.

- What are you doing here? - I whisper shout.

She grins mischievously while she puts her index finger to her mouth, signaling me to keep silent. She then steps forward while I step backward, her eyes slowly wandering my whole body up and down, even though I'm still in my undergarments, I feel totally naked under her gaze and it leaves me breathless.

- You are so beautiful. - She whispers softly while her hand grabs my waist, her hazy eyes look at mine. Heat rushes to my chest, my neck and my face. Her gaze lands on my lips.

I let out a hot shaky breath before her lips crash down on mine. Her lips on mine feel incredible, magical and mostly breath-taking. One step backward and I'm locked between the cold wall and her warm body. Both of my hands now are on her cheeks, cupping hers fondly while kissing her with the same intensity while she holds me firmly and carefully on my back like she is afraid of breaking me. I know she resists making any sound by the way she breathes, she kisses and so do I.

Her hand then freely travels down my buttock and squeezes it softly while her lips trace my jawline and stay in my neck, placing soft kisses. With my half-lidded eyes, I stare at our reflection in the mirror. I don't know how one of my legs has been wrapping around her thigh while my hands tangle in her hair. I feel a strong arousal building up, making my body on fire but I have to bite my own lip to suppress moaning.

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