#3 - Crack-head

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Jennie's POV

When I enter my house, Lucas is focusing on the computer, just like usual. We greet each other before he runs to hug me.

- Why are you so late Eonni? - He says in his cute voice.

- I'm stuck at work. The first day sucks! Lucas, can Eonni use the computer tonight? Eonni needs to finish work. And Eonni needs your help too.

Lucas is a smart kid, he is just 9 years old but he knows a lot of things about computers and technology. So I think asking him about my task will help. At least, I will try to understand how the system will work.

- Our Government is going to build a managing system for schools, and I will be in charge of creating the proposal for Posix to win the projects-

- Why you Eonni? You might be very intelligent, but hasn't got much savvy about this, it sounds like a big project.

Lucas speaks up, sounds much older than this real age.

- Aish! I ask myself the same question, but what should I do now, telling them that I can't do it? No. So I'm asking you about the technological things about this project. I have a detailed note describing the managing system, but I don't understand a lot of technical terms, and I think if I can't understand then those who are from the government, who also read this could not understand, so, I might need to translate them to normal language so that everyone could do.

I show Lucas the note I captured on my phone. I don't know I can access my work platform without an office computer or not so to make sure, I have taken some photos. He starts scanning the file then while I take his seat in front of my computer, continue with my copy. I finish the outline of the proposal, the introduction part earlier and now I use the Canvas model to represent the detailed idea of the project. Tonight I have to finish this Canvas model, the timeline and the budget. And for me, the most difficult and the most sensitive part is the money part, I think I might just make it up. But it feels so wrong to make it up, so I think I will google a little and then ask Sana or Irene to help me to review this part before I handle my copy.

Lucas helps me to explain some technical terms and even provide me the detail of how much time Posix need to finish each part of the system with different technologies and different algorithms. He talks that he is not so sure but that's all he could help. I have to thank God to bring this handsome smart brother to me, I hug him before he goes to bed, then I continue my work till 4 in the morning. That results in me running to the bus stop to my company because I overslept. I reach my table 9.23 and I immediately sit down to review my copy before handling it to Sana.

At 10, I give my copy for Sana, it's now 5 times thicker than yesterday's version. She is a bit shocked when I handle her the copy, I just smile, feeling proud of myself. I believe this time, I will have my proposal approved, maybe all of my text but most of all I guess, cause I tell you, I'm not confident with the budget I made up.

- Is Ms. Manobal here?

- No. Actually she flew to Busan this morning, she will not come back till this Friday. She told me to review your copy until I feel it ok to handle her, so I give you comments later, Jennie.

- Oh, yeah. There is a part that I'm not so confident, it's the budget part, I really appreciate if you read that part thoroughly and give me comment.

- Sure.

Sana smiles and I walk back to my table. The rest of the morning, I work with Ken about design.


Lunchtime. Irene is nice as she always is, asking me to eat with the whole team. The canteen and the cafe are located on the 18th floor, it's already filled with people. As we eat, my team starts to discuss and gossip about a lot of things.

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