#11 - Los Angeles

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Los Angeles

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Jennie's POV

Seriously. I have been in LA, California for a week and it's been a living hell working with Lisa.

I have to work on the first day here, despite my jet lag killing me. Lisa is a real working monster, she starts working at 7 in the morning and finishes her day at 11 in the evening, and I have to run after her to keep her schedule on check while doing a lot of paperwork including briefing, copying, meeting minutes. Yeah, it's my job and I'm totally ok with it. But when it comes to some personal stuff, Lisa really knows how to piss me off.

episode 1.

Every morning, she will require me to buy her a cup of espresso, and it must be no sugar, not too cold, not too hot, if it doesn't fit her standard, then I have to rebuy it. Ok. I manage to buy her a cup and wait for her at 6.55 in the hotel hall every morning, but then one day, she just walks to me and says she wants an Americano instead of the Espresso I've bought.

episode 2.

If I don't manage to get back in 15 minutes, then she will leave me behind and I myself have to take whatever to come to the meeting venue after that. So I find myself running like a nut to the nearest Starbuck then running back to the hotel.

episode 3.

This irritates me the most. She calls me Beanie Kim instead of Jennie Kim and sometimes she just calls me Miss Bean! Like seriously? Where the heck is that nickname come from?

And today she changed her order from Americano to Latte with 1/3 sugar and 1/3 cream, which lead me to be late for 2 minutes even though I had been running like an idiot in the street. I'm sure she planned this, making the order a little more complicated than usual so it could make me late.

Right now I am standing in front of the hotel with a Latte on my right arm, looking like a fool after wandering along the hotel hall looking for Lisa. I wonder why I'm still here to suffer all of this shit. But it's too late to regret, now the only choice for me is to head forward and do the best I can.

I take out my phone to call an Uber, the bill will be in my company anyway. I quickly type Publicis HQ in LA and then wait for my driver to come. Hmm about Lisa's cafe, I decide to drink it. It just is too sweet for a devil like her.

When I'm in the car, I arrange the paper I'm gonna give Lisa later, today she is gonna meet some guys from Publicis and they are one of the most potential agencies that we consider to pick up. Then finally, the car stops in front of a small old building. Walking out of the car and narrowing my brows to view the whole building, I feel something wrong here, this building, it seems too small to be the Head Quarter or Publicis in California. Then, my phone rings, Lisa calls me.

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