#58 - When Jennie Kim being a secretary

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Jennie wakes up early and spends hours to pick up her clothes. Eventually, she chooses a new white shirt with three buttons undone, with a pair of black leather pants and chocolate brow heels, she has watched herself in front of the mirror for minutes, making sure that she both looks professional, and kinda ....hot. She stares at herself once again, the tight black leather pants are showing off ass - the result of hours with pilates. She finishes with a black blazers and a little more of her favorite perfume than normal day. Perfect!


- When will the next meeting? - Lisa asks without looking to her.

- In the next 10 minutes. Meeting Room C2.

- Let's go. - Lisa drops off her glasses and closes the folder. - I don't want to be late.

Jennie's heart sinks. She forcefully stands up and follows Lisa, not forget to grab the document and her laptop.

It's her fifth day at work and Lisa hasn't looked at her for the most of the day. She just focused on the document on her table and her laptop while Jennie started to scan the business proposals and the financial reports that LM Capital plans to invest in. In the morning, when Lisa arrived at the office, she looked at her once, only once, when she asked her to make a cup of coffee.

Will they be this tense during their working time?

Jennie asks herself when she walks after Lisa to the meeting room. Lisa even sent a private driver to drive her to work and pick her up from work, she thought it was thoughtful of Lisa, but then it means that she wouldn't spend the ride home with Lisa as well. And it doesn't sound thoughtful to her anymore.

Two men has already been inside the room, one young man and one middle-edged man.

- Ms. Manobal. I'm Donald Kotler from Evergreen Technology. And he is my son, he is one of our main engineers, graduated from MIT and will take over the company in the next few year.

And they shake hands, before the young Kotler introduces himself.

- It's my honor to meet you, Miss Manobal. I'm Jezz Kotler. - Then he turns to Jennie. - ... and this beautiful lady is Jennie Kim, am I right? I'm a huge fan. It's really really nice to meet you here.

He excitedly holds his hand to Jennie, waiting, while Jennie is a little surprised, she glances at Lisa, waiting, as if she needs her confirmation to shake hand with this man. Lisa gives out a small nod, almost invisible, Jennie thinks she sees it.

- Nice to meet you too. - Jennie turns to him, smiling and looking at the young man, he is tall, blue-eyed, dark-haired and pretty good looking. - Yeah, you're right. I'm Jennie Kim. I'm here today as Ms Manobal's secretary.

- Oh. Right. Ms. Manobal's secretary. - He says with surprise and disbelief, still showing off his smile. - I heard that you left the company and retired, I couldn't believe it at first. And now you are here being a secretary.

- Pardon? - Lisa interrupts. - Please take your seats and we can start our meeting.

- Oh I'm sorry. - Jezz replies quickly. - I'm just surprised to meet her here.

Lisa doesn't listen to him, she has already turned her back at them and heads to her seat.

- After you! - Jezz spreads his arms, speaking to Jennie. She beams at him and follows Lisa.

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