3: Jade Wolf

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(Based on episode 5. Here's a summary if you don't remember!! Summary: Clary and Simon are subsequently kidnapped by werewolves while searching the apartment, to Alec's chagrin. Clary is interrogated about the location of the Mortal Cup, and the alpha werewolf threatens to kill Simon if she does not reveal the information. Jace, Isabelle, and Alec then head to rescue the two, after Simon calls for help. The Shadowhunters are assisted in their escape by an unlikely ally – werewolf Luke, who defeats his alpha and assumes the title. Creds: Wikipedia)


"You need to get more specific. Tell us what you see," Jace demanded through the phone. "Help us find you and Clary."

"Wait- Hold on, I'm at the Jade wolf Chinese restaurant on the pier at Greene St." came back the Mundanes voice.

"You need to create a diversion, We're on our way," Replied Jace just as he hung up the phone. "Izzy, if we're dealing with werewolves, we might need help. Can you-"

"On it, I'll just call Viola. She seemed powerful enough," Interrupted Isabelle. "Alec, you have her number right, would you please tell her to meet us at the pier." Jace raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

Alec knew what his sister was doing and it didn't help with his stress.

He sighed. Great. As if Jace wasn't enough, Viola was tagging along as well. His hands curled into fists just as Jace motioned for them to start moving. Anger filled inside of him. The way Jace had accused him of putting Clarissa in danger when it had been the girl's own fault for running out of the institute. He brought out his phone and fished out Viola's number. She picked it up and Alec felt his hands relax.


The beep of her phone woke her up. She checked the screen and instantly became alert when she saw Alec's name on the screen. Viola's face turned into a grin as she picked it up, "Missing me already?"

"What- No..I mean- We need your help. Clary and Simon have been kidnapped by werewolves. Just meet us at pier at Green St." came Alec's reply.

"Ok..Thats very.... commanding... but I'll be there in 10 minutes." she replied just as Alec hung up the phone.

Her gear lay catching dust in the cupboard. Viola hadn't been to any missions since 3 months because of her identity and powers but now, it was finally time. She pulled it on and looked at herself in the mirror. The black leather was hugging her slight curves just as her blonde hair curled across her shoulders. She thought about calling Matt but hesitated. He had just come home and probably needed rest. She pulled on her boots, reached for her seraph blade and was out the door the next minute.


A cold chill passed through her. She had been trying to find Jace and the others for the past 10 minutes. Alec hadn't exactly been specific about where to go. Suddenly she heard a commotion coming from around the corner. Her hand reached for her Seraph Blade just as she stepped out of the shadows.

"Viola, perfect timing," Came Jace's voice. ,"Come on, we still need to find the Mundane. Clary, do you have any idea where he is?"

"Yeah, I think-"

Blackness passed over Viola's eyes as Clary screamed. A werewolf had jumped on her. Jace instantly pushed him off and Viola sprang up. Two more werewolves appeared. "Oh, Your gonna pay for that," Snarled Viola and sprang into action. Alec shot one with his bow while Jace attacked another with his seraph blade. Viola swung her blade and as the werewolf charged for her she backflipped to get behind him and stabbed him. "I guess 15 years of training don't go to waste after all. " She thought to herself.


The fog surrounded the restaurant. Simon and Isabelle had emerged out of it just as werewolves had started forming a wall around them.
Jace brought out his seraph blade, Isabelle cracked her whip and Alec reached for his bow as he moved closer towards Viola. "We're surrounded," said Clary.

The wolves growled and snarled.

"Everyone, stay together," said Alec.

Simon shuddered, "Believe me, I'm not going anywhere."

The door opened of the restaurant and a big wolf, possibly the biggest of the pack, with glowing amber eyes stepped out.

"Everyone, Get back. That's the Alpha leader." said Jace urgently. The circle Alec, Jace, Isabelle and Viola had formed around Simon and Clary became smaller. She felt Alec's elbow slightly brushing hers.

"JACE, BEHIND," suddenly came Clary's voice. Everyone turned around and the piercing sound of howling was heard. Another wolf, just as big as the Alpha, had come into the clearing. It pounced and attacked the Pack leader. Alec steadied his bow;"He's challenging the Alpha."

"He's helping us," replied Clary.

"Or he could be cutting in line to kill us," Viola spoke.

Alec and Clary turned around to look at her and she shrugged.

The fight between the two wolves went on fiercely and finally a flash of light came from one of the wolves. Clary started forward with Jace just as a tall, dark skinned, man came into view. "Luke, " cried out Clary. His clothes were torn and his body bleeding from places. "Um, Guys," came Simon's alarming voice and Viola turned around. All the werewolves were kneeling down to Luke.

Clary gave Jace a look of confusion. "When a werewolf kills the Alpha leader, he becomes the Alpha himself. In this case, your friend Luke here." Explained Jace. Clary started forward but Jace pulled her back with a firm "No." "It's alright," Clary replied.

She took another step forward just as Luke collapsed. "Oh my god, Luke," she exclaimed. Isabelle, Simon and Viola moved forward. From the corner of her eye, Viola could see Alec go towards Jace.

"Hey..we need to get Clary back to the institute and stay out of downworlder business," he said.

"Why don't you stay out of it. I'm going to help her." Jace said irritated. Viola was surprised at his tone.

"We need to report back to mother," replied the dark haired boy.

"You and Isabelle can do that," said Jace as he gave Alec another look and walked away.


"His wounds are deep, only warlock magic can fix that,' Isabelle informed them.

"I can help with that. I'm sure I'll be able to transport us to Magnus," Viola spoke up.

"Great, lets go," replied Jace and he and Clary made his way to help Simon steady Luke.

Viola moved towards Alec and Isabelle who were standing together. "I guess I'll see you guys then," She spoke. Isabelle gave her a small smile.

Viola swished her hands and remembered the spell Magnus had told her about moving from place to place quickly. She erupted in purple smoke just as Simon, Clary, Jace and Luke disappeared behind her. 


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