5: Institutes and Libraries.

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"Viola Gray, Adopted daughter of Theresa Gray. Real Parents, Unknown. Training scores are perfect. Everything seem to be in order." Assessed Maryse Lightwood.

"So, does that mean I'm accepted?" Viola asked nervously.

Maryse smiled at her yet it wasn't a welcoming one. "Of course, But there is just one matter left..." she paused. "Your abilities."

Viola sighed. She had told Maryse 10 times previously she had no idea how she attained her power but as always, it was a hopeless case. "Look Mrs. Lightwood. I honestly don't know how."

"Hm....there is the matter of your personal safety then I suppose," She replied. "If anyone, especially Valentine found out, you'd be in danger."

"I'm pretty sure I can handle myself. Besides, it's not like anyone needs to know."

Maryse smiled. "Alright then, welcome to the institute."


Magnus was in the lounge pouring himself a cup of herbal tea when Viola entered when a disturbed look on her face. He stopped and turned around to face her. "Are you alright, darling?" He asked.

Viola took a deep breath and started, "Magnus, Look I need to talk to you about something."

Magnus let a few seconds pass before he spoke.

"Is this about you moving to the institute?"

Viola looked up without meeting his eyes, "How did you know? I-."

Magnus laughed softly.

"I heard you talking to Alexander the other day and I also saw you take out Theresa's letters and documents this morning."

Viola felt herself grow red. "I think I'm ready to go. But don't worry, I'll still see you every week.."

Magnus smiled warmly at her before replying, "I know Viola, relax. I think it'll be good for you to be around shadowhunters your age. All this downworlder company can't possibly be good for you."

"I have Matt," She shrugged.

"Yes, the Levesque boy, who has been constantly...... avoiding you." Magnus replied, examining his tea.

Viola glared at him, "He hasn't-,"

Magnus broke her off with a bored look. "Alright alright, Just take care of yourself."

Viola laughed and moved to hug him. Magnus put down his glass and returned the hug.


"Alec, there's a new recruit in one of the room's upstairs. If you have the time, could you please give her the tour and log in her weapons. I'd ask Isabelle but she's busy with another mission." Maryse explained.

Alec shrugged, "Fine." He got up and made his way to the upstairs section of the institute.

"Damn it, which room is it?" He said to himself. After checking another couple of rooms he finally ran into another shadowhunter who was in charge of the upstairs lobby. Finally, after finding out it was the first room on the left, Alec knocked on the door.

"Just a second." Came an urgent voice from inside. Alec folded his arms. The rushing of footsteps and the clicking of the lock came from behind the door and it opened to reveal-

"YOU?" Alec's eyes widened and he pointed towards the girl.

He looked at the girl who stood at the doorway up and down. She was wearing a purple shirt and jeans, with her blonde hair open and her feet bare. Her face was twisted into a grin.

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